
PROGRESS HOROSCOPE - Aka Secondary Progression chart

 A Progressed Horoscope, also known as a Secondary Progression chart, is a powerful astrological tool used to gain deeper insights into an individual's personal evolution over time. Unlike a natal chart, which is a snapshot of the sky at the moment of your birth, the progressed chart shows how your natal chart evolves throughout your life. Key Points About Progressed Horoscope: Time Frame : The most common method of progression is called Secondary Progression, where each day after your birth represents one year of your life. For example, 30 days after your birth correspond to your 30th year. Key Changes : Progressed Sun : The Sun moves about one degree per year. Changes in your progressed Sun sign and house can indicate shifts in core identity and purpose. Progressed Moon : The Moon changes signs approximately every 2.5 years in the progressed chart. This reflects emotional shifts and changing needs. Progressed Ascendant : This can alter the way you present yourself to the world an

VENUS SEXTILE or TRINE JUPITER in your Yearly Solar Return

 When Venus and Jupiter are smile or trine in Solar Return ,  you can either benefit directly or indirectly through the influence or assistance of another. Benefits are shown by the solar return house placement of Jupiter.  ( ||  MARS - VENUS  || ) , ( ||  MER - VENUS  || ) , ( ||  JUPITER - VENUS  || ) , (  SATURN - VENUS  || ), ( ||  URANUS - VENUS  || ) , ( ||  NEPTUNE - VENUS  || ) , ( ||  PLUTO - VENUS  || ) ( ||  MOON - JUPITER  || ) , ( ||  MERCURY - JUPITER  || ) , ( ||  MARS - JUPITER  || ) , ( ||  VENUS - JUPITER  || ) Relationships can be very rewarding, and you reap what you have sown.  If you have been helpful and understanding to others in the past, you can expect the same treatment now. Your spouse, lover, friend, or business partner will be actively supportive of your goals, physically, emotionally, and/or financially.  VENUS SQUARE or OPPOSITE JUPITER,  You can benefit either directly or indirectly through the influence or assistance of another; how-ever, there may be

Astrological Transit of VENUS in 5th House

The world does not always look upon us fondly and with benign indulgence when we decide to strut our stuff. That’s the tricky part of fifth house transits , which can be so much fun as long as you don’t care what people think of your creations or your idea of merriment and play.  This is a fairly quick Venus transit last for about a Month , so it may not bring the love of your life to you, but it will likely provide appreciation for your fun-loving side, creative efforts, or children.  You’ll probably receive creative support and  favorable reviews when Venus transits your fifth house,  but hopefully you’ll be too preoccupied with having fun or enjoying an influx of cash to care what others think about what you wear, what you do, or whom you love. Money might emerge as a motivation for a new creative project or might be offered for something you’ve already created.  Venus can bring financial benefits, and in the 5th house, these can come through creative or artistic projects. If you

Transit of JUPITER in the 7th house of Marriage

People get excited when they see this transit coming, especially if they are single and un-happy about it.  When the luckiest planet in the solar system enters the house of relationships, The 7th House . It can only mean good things—right? Yes, but it may not mean exactly what you expect it to mean.  You will almost certainly encounter people who open your mind to new relationship possibilities, who encourage you to take risks and have adventures.  If you're a good student, your relationships will certainly teach you a lot during this transit of Jupiter. But if you're expecting your noncommittal boyfriend to propose to you, don't hold your breath; if he's not certain he wants to be with you, this may be when he'll call it quits—and it'll be the luckiest thing that ever happened to you, because you deserve someone who will really make you happy.   If you're already in a relationship, this transit can bring greater harmony, trust, and understanding. Jupiter t

MOON CONJUNCT JUPITER in Yearly Solar Return

Moon conjunct Jupiter in the solar return indicates a positive outlook on life.   This can be a year of great happiness and contentment. You should be optimistic about the future and your potential for success.  Use your talents and abilities to advance professionally and evolve spiritually.  Your ability to express your feelings within a significant relationship is important to your own emotional growth, and also to the growth of the relationship. Jupiter symbolizes your ability to expand, and the Moon symbolizes your feeling nature.  Together in aspect, they emphasize the process of sharing emotions, having those emotions understood, and growing from the interchange.  Expansion through emotional interchange and relatedness is the key to this aspect. Do this with optimism, enthusiasm, and openness. It will be healing to any and every relationship and can lead to greater intimacy.  Moon conjunct to Jupiter in Solar Return might imply overwhelming emotions related to the house placemen

MARS IN THE 7TH HOUSE in yearly Solar Return Chart

This is a time to be energized  By another person who can get you to do something you would not or could not do alone.. In its most positive manifestation, collaboration with another carries you towards the initiation and completion of a project or joint endeavor.    If the two of you can agree on mutual goals , you both can make great strides together Your partner enthusiasm and drive be-come the primary motivating force. If you asking why you are still single,  Take A look at this example Case   Study about Personal Astrosignature.. Most likely it is the other person character which provides the spark of inspiration and the encouragement necessary to begin the task, but it is the interactive qualities of the relationship which keep each of you at a high energy level, working towards completion.  Hopefully, you will be dealing with someone who has your best interests at heart.   The problem associated with this placement is that you can be led down the wrong path if you do not choose

SATURN Conjunct MERCURY in Yearly Solar Return Chart

Mercury conjunct Saturn in the solar return chart suggests a serious and structured approach to life issues and problems.  There is almost a mandate to be realistic about situations while taking full responsibility for solving problems. More than likely, the buck stops here.   ( ||  MOON - SAT   ||  ) , ( ||  MERCURY - SAT   || ) ,  (     MARS - SAT   || ) , ( ||   VENUS - SAT   ||  ) , ( ||  SATURN RETURN   || ) For 100% free Progress Horoscope 365 days from now ( base on Progress chart )  👉    Here are more info You can find  accurate interpretation of your cnfhart , Just Search here . 👉

SUN CONJUNCT VENUS in Solar Return Year

 Just as in the natal chart, the solar return Sun is never more than forty-six degrees from Venus, so it does not form any major aspects other than the conjunction.  The Sun conjunct Venus in Solar Return   

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