
PROGRESS HOROSCOPE - Aka Secondary Progression chart

 A Progressed Horoscope, also known as a Secondary Progression chart, is a powerful astrological tool used to gain deeper insights into an individual's personal evolution over time. Unlike a natal chart, which is a snapshot of the sky at the moment of your birth, the progressed chart shows how your natal chart evolves throughout your life. Key Points About Progressed Horoscope: Time Frame : The most common method of progression is called Secondary Progression, where each day after your birth represents one year of your life. For example, 30 days after your birth correspond to your 30th year. Key Changes : Progressed Sun : The Sun moves about one degree per year. Changes in your progressed Sun sign and house can indicate shifts in core identity and purpose. Progressed Moon : The Moon changes signs approximately every 2.5 years in the progressed chart. This reflects emotional shifts and changing needs. Progressed Ascendant : This can alter the way you present yourself to the world an...


Beauty and harmony are within your reach now, particularly in your close relationships.  However you need to take action to ensure that your loved ones feel appreciated and vice versa. This is the perfect time to concentrate on loved ones. Let that someone special know how important they are.  If you are single you may decide to marry. It is also possible that you could decide to end a serious relationship, realizing that your current love is not a long-term proposition.  If you are already married then your union is likely to be the focus of your attention as you try to enjoy more romance and pleasure. Your finances may also flourish under the influence of this beneficial phase. Tips to Navigate SUN SEMISQUARE VENUS in Solar Return: Practice Self-Awareness : Recognize where you might be compromising too much or being overly self-focused. Communicate Honestly : If tension arises in relationships, prioritize open dialogue to clarify needs and expectations. Focus on Balance...

MOON IN 3RD HOUSE : Solar Return and Progress Chart

  The Moon in the 3rd house of Solar Return Chart is a sign that emotional influences compete or unite with rational thoughts for decision-making power.  The interplay between these two levels of thought, the conscious and the unconscious levels, is key to the pattern of growth.  If you depend too much on the conscious level, you might be trying to suppress or analyze your feelings before they are even apparent. This will not work. Feelings just are, and must be appreciated as they exist before symbols emerge, and they can be understood. On the other hand, you may feel more ruled by unconscious urges than clear-headed rationalism. Within this scenario, feelings overwhelm common sense and burst into the open when you least expect it. Freudian slips are possible despite your conscious efforts for restraint, and you inadvertently say things that were better left unsaid.  Although these comments honestly reflect your true feelings, they go too far and reveal more than i...

MARS IN THE 10TH HOUSE : Solar Return and Progress Chart

Mars in the 10th house of Solar return chart suggests an aggressive business style or energetic attitude towards career tasks.  Many times the individual with this placement realizes that he or she must work harder during the coming year either to get ahead or stay ahead. Competition from other businesses or co-workers can pro-vide the impetus towards greater productivity, but many times the individual is only in com-petition with himself or herself. There may or may not be a specific change in the work environment that indicates this need to switch into high gear. Internal signals are as likely as external motivations.  This is a good time to focus on career ambitions and use the energy surge for both immediate career goals and long-term developments. 

Transiting JUPITER Aspect in Natal URANUS

 Transit to Natal of JUPITER  In Opposition Aspect, Transit Last for about Half of the Month for Example, Entering Aug 5, Exact Aug 11,  Leaving Aug 17 . This transit can indicate a sudden and dramatic change in your life ranging from simply a break in your routine to a breakdown in a relationship, career or way of life. 

VENUS IN THE 8TH HOUSE: Solar Return And Progress Chart

Relationships will tend to be more intense and complicated during the Venus in 8th house of Solar return chart .   Psychological forces will play a strong role in your feelings of attraction to, and repulsion from, others.  You will have a tendency to be unconsciously drawn to certain individuals, perhaps for reasons you find difficult to understand. One relationship, in particular, may be especially compelling, and you can react impulsively rather than respond rationally to this person.   A relationship of this intensity has trans-forming qualities. 👉  Read here if you are looking for  Venus in 8th house in Progress Chart It enables you to see yourself, others, and relationships in a new way by making everyone's fears, insecurities, and complexes more obvious.   Psychological complexes are impediments to greater intimacy. They must be recognized and dealt with effectively before love can mature.  Psychological forces will ...  Pla...

MOON SEXTILE or TRINE VENUS in Solar Return and Progress Chart

The Moon sextile or trine Venus in Solar return suggests emotional security and domestic issues are tied to relationships and monetary considerations.  This can be a pleasant time for families, partners, and finances depending on the house placement of the Moon and Venus.  The house placement for the Moon in the solar return chart shows the emotional need for fulfillment. MOON  IN:  ( |  1ST   | ) , ( |   2ND   | ) , ( |   3RD   | ) ,  ( |   4TH   | ) ,  ( |  5TH   | ) , ( |  6TH   | ) , ( |  7TH   | ) , ( |  8TH   | ) , ( |  9TH   | ) , ( |  10TH   | ) , ( |   11TH  | ) , ( |  12TH   | )  HOUSE   VENUS IN :  ( |  1ST    | ) , ( |  2ND  | ) , ( |  3RD   | ) , ( |  4TH    | ) , ( |  5TH    | ) , (...

MERCURY IN 8TH HOUSE In Solar Return and Progress Chart

The phrase "acute awareness'' encapsulates the interpretation of  Mercury in the 8th house of the solar return.  Your mind is more insightful and reflective during this Solar Return year.  And there will be times when you will see more or know more than you were previously aware of. Knowledge of the unconscious mind grows quickly, leaving you overwhelmed by the change. You are more aware of nuances, motives, and psychological conflicts in yourself and others. Subtle shifts in power and power plays will be more obvious to you now.

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