Transiting Neptune Sequisquare Natal Ascendant
In Transit to Natal Aspect in The Sky, or in other word, The Current Transit of NEPTUNE in the Sky are Very related to your Natal Ascendant in Sequisquare aspect
EXPECTED IMAGINATION AND CONFUSION: Attempts to express the more creative and spiritual side of your nature are frustrated during this transit.
This may affect the key relationships in your life. You would do well to have patience, but keep on your course. With a combination of persistence and ingenuity you will eventually achieve your visions and dreams.
NEPTUNE is the planet of spirituality, compassion, unconditional love, empathy, art, psychic sensitivity.
The transit of Neptune makes aspects to your natal planets, you’re likely to experience a lack of focus and attention. Forgetfulness can be a sign that Neptune is begging for an end to denial and a celebration of the spiritual values that bring meaning to your life. It is also a good time for poetry or any other activity that requires imagination.
- ( SUN CONJUNCT URANUS ) - ( SUN SEXTILE or TRINE NEPTUNE ) - ( SUN Square NEPTUNE ) - ( SUN Conjunt NEPTUNE ) - ( SUN Sextile, trine PLUTO ) - ( SUN Squre PLUTO ) - ( SUN Conjunct PLUTO Solar return ) - ( CHIRON - SUN Transit )
However, this may still be an accurate reflection of what is happening to the individual whose transits are being interpreted, as people do experience conflicting desires, events and circumstances in their lives.
It is the responsibility of the astrologer to synthesise these apparent contradictions in order to present a cohesive and realistic interpretation of the dilemmas of the chart.