MERCURY IN 8TH HOUSE In Solar Return and Progress Chart

The phrase "acute awareness'' encapsulates the interpretation of  Mercury in the 8th house of the solar return. 

Your mind is more insightful and reflective during this Solar Return year. 

And there will be times when you will see more or know more than you were previously aware of. Knowledge of the unconscious mind grows quickly, leaving you overwhelmed by the change.

You are more aware of nuances, motives, and psychological conflicts in yourself and others. Subtle shifts in power and power plays will be more obvious to you now.
The interpretation of Mercury in the 8th house of Solar return
Is..very similar to the interpretation of the Sun or the Moon in this house, but there is an important difference. When Mercury is in the 8th of Solar return, you are more apt to gain an understanding of psychological issues as a result of training and education.  

You become intellectually aware of psychological complexes and power struggles, but they generally do not disrupt your life or upset you emotionally. 

When the Sun is in the 8th house, you are more likely to be disrupted by the turmoil of living with your own psychological issues or those of others. 

When the Moon is in the 8th house, you may be upset emotionally by complex unconscious forces and power struggles. Mercury in the 8th house is generally not upsetting, only insightful.  You become intellectually aware of psychological complexes and power struggles, but they generally do not disrupt your life or upset you emotionally.
  • MERCURY IN : ( | 1ST  | ) , ( |  2ND  | ) , ( | 3RD  | ) , ( | 4TH  | ) , ( | 5TH  | ) , ( | 6TH | ) , ) , ( | 7TH  | ) ( | 8TH  | )  ( | 9TH  | ) , ( |  10TH  | ) , ( |  11TH | ) , ( | 12TH  | )  HOUSE
Planet in Solar Return Chart Aspecting to Mercury

When the Sun is in the 8th house, you are more likely to be disrupted by the turmoil of living with your own psychological issues or those of others. When the Moon is in the 8th house, you may be upset emotionally by complex unconscious forces and power struggles. Mercury in the 8th house is generally not upsetting, only insightful. 
There are several ways to initiate and stimulate this psychological insight. 
You may study psychology directly, or you may become involved in one of the occult sciences. You may see a counselor during the year even though you might not feel seriously stressed. Mercury in the 8th house of Solar return implies the ability to grasp psychological information intellectually. Generally, by itself, Mercury is not indicative of nervousness or anxiety. 

If you are just entering therapy at this time, you may be doing so to gain self-knowledge rather than because of incapacitation. If you have been in therapy for a while now, this may be the year when therapy pays off, and suddenly you begin to see the behavioral pat-terns that have been affecting your life negatively. 

Psychologically, you may be more withdrawn and cautious during the year, preferring to talk to one person in depth rather than several friends superficially. Small talk will not interest you. Information that is factual and blatant will not be as exciting as what is less obvious, sexual, or mysterious. You see and understand a lot more than you express. You may withhold information deliberately or just be reluctant to talk openly.  
This is a good time for financial planning and consolidation loans. 
If your debts have risen recently, you might want to establish a payment plan for reducing those bills. If you share income and expenses with another person, review the division of debts and plan for future expenditures. Reread your will and investigate estate and tax plans. 

  • MERCURY IN : ( | 1ST  | ) , ( |  2ND  | ) , ( | 3RD  | ) , ( | 4TH  | ) , ( | 5TH  | ) , ( | 6TH | ) , ) , ( | 7TH  | ) ( | 8TH  | )  ( | 9TH  | ) , ( |  10TH  | ) , ( |  11TH | ) , ( | 12TH  | )  HOUSE

Planet in Solar Return Chart Aspecting to Mercury

MERCURY IN 8TH HOUSE ( Secondary Progression )

As the planet of communications progresses into the 8th House of your Birth Chart you may start to change your mind on some important matters. 

Gradually you see the light when it comes to certain issues. Secrets may be revealed, or you may start to gather new information for a new topic of interest. Resources are more readily available and this is a beneficial time to gradually reassess your financial investments, as well as how you invest your emotional energy. It is also possible that you gradually find the inner resources to tackle some tricky emotional, financial or metaphysical matters.


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