SATURN IN THE 8TH HOUSE In Yearly Solar Return

The most common interpretation for Saturn in the 8th house of the solar return relates to financial concerns caused by either debts or limited shared resources.
Debts are an issue, and it is not uncommon to borrow a large sum of money during the year for an expensive purchase such as a car or house.

But it is more likely that you will feel pressured to pay off your debts, both existing loans and any new ones you acquire.

Some individuals force themselves to limit expenditures by refusing to spend any more money until they pay off all debts.

Others, who have refused to face financial reality in the past (allowing their debts to reach the credit limits), are now forced by their circum-stances to limit spending.

They have exhausted all their options. Regardless of whether you are working hard to finish paying off your debts or just reaching your debt peak, you will probably feel pressured to pay your bills. 
Saturn in 8th of Solar Return can imply limited ... shared resources; consequently, you may receive less money from others. 
  • SATURN  IN : ( |1ST  | ) , (  2ND  | ) , ( 3RD  | ) , ( 4TH  | ) , (  |5TH | ) ( | 6TH | ) , ( | 7TH  | ) , ( | 8TH  | ) , ( | 9TH  | ) , ( | 10TH  | ) , ( 11TH | ) , ( 12TH | )  HOUSE SOLAR RETURN
If you normally share finances with someone else or receive money for other reasons, this can be a Solar Return Year when these other forms of income, (outside of your own earning power), decrease.

If you are married or have a roommate, he or she may not be fully employed for part or all of the Solar Return year, thereby earning less income than usual . 
On the other hand, he or she may be fully employed, but hesitate to share funds, instead spending whatever money is available on either worthy or unworthy causes, agreed upon or not. In any case, the amount of money shared or earned by your partner can de-crease for one reason or another.  

Planet in Solar return Apecting in SATURN
For example,   a young housewife with this placement was having trouble stretching her husbands paycheck to meet the bills. 
They lived frugally, but still, there was not enough to go around. He was due for a raise, and they hoped everything would work out, but just as he received the raise, they were forced by circumstances to buy a new car. The new car payment took up the entire raise plus extra a month, so there was even less money to go around that  Solar return year.  
If you normally depend on others, 
(possibly your parents or some other relative), for financial gifts, you may receive less money this Solar Return year than you have in years past. 

 It is probably time you grew more financially independent and became responsible for your own debts. The restriction on shared resources also includes situations associated with wills, inheritances, and occasionally even bank loans. Do not expect someone to give you money unless you expect year-long delays. 

Saturn in the 8th is not a reflection of the amount of money you yourself earn. That is a separate matter seen through the other houses, most notably the 2nd house. Your earnings may be very good this year, but with Saturn in the 8th you would still tend to have some of the above-mentioned problems with the money you receive from others. 

Sexual issues are possible with this placement, but generally, they are rare in comparison to the emphasis on financial considerations. 

Sexual limitations may include abstinence, impotence or frigidity in extreme cases, or a general lack of fulfillment. Critical judgments of self or others can inhibit sexual performance. Issues outside of the bedroom, such as power, dominance, and restriction might affect sexual interchanges. Limitations occur for a variety of reasons, but the partner's absence, your or your partner's ill health, or an inability to function well are most notable. For example, if your wife is pregnant with twins, her desire may wane, assuming you could master the logistics to begin with. 

For a few, sex will be less enjoyable this year, especially if it is rushed, occurring in inconvenient locations, or under stressful circumstances. This is especially true for those who are involved in an extramarital affair. If you cannot fully relate to your partner, you may view the act more as a responsibility than a pleasure. Moral dilemmas in which you feel pulled between sexual attractions and the criticisms of others are possible. If you are a closet homosexual, you may feel pulled between a strong, (and obvious to others), attraction to someone you see routinely, and the desire to keep your lifestyle and feelings private. 

You are more aware of the dark side of human nature. 
You see evidence of it manifesting both in others and in your own personality. Normally you see individuals as a blend of both good and bad, black and white with variations of gray. But during this year, the separation seems more apparent, and the grays tend to fade away. Black and white, good and evil, become all-or-nothing traits, different sides of one personality manifesting themselves at different times. The contrast tends to be stark. Situations you are involved in during the year, conflicts and stress cause the more negative traits to manifest. 

For example, if you are involved in a love-hate relationship, you will probably see both the best and the worst you and your lover have to offer. The stress of the situation, coupled with conflicting emotions, will tend to foster both strongly positive and strongly negative relating patterns. Disputes over a will or an inheritance can also magnify the split. You may think you know your relatives until either you or they contest a will. 

  • SATURN  IN : ( |1ST  | ) , (  2ND  | ) , ( 3RD  | ) , ( 4TH  | ) , (  |5TH | ) ( | 6TH | ) , ( | 7TH  | ) , ( | 8TH  | ) , ( | 9TH  | ) , ( | 10TH  | ) , ( 11TH | ) , ( 12TH | )  HOUSE
Planet in Solar return Apecting in SATURN

Astrologers use the term "SATURN IN THE 8TH HOUSE of Solar Return" to describe a particular Astrological Reading technique of observing the moving planets forward in YEARLY BASIS. 

This technique is aptly named because it describes how a person progresses through their life From Birth Day to Birth day.

Therefore Progress In Yearly Solar Return are likely to show us signposts in life's journey and consequently help us gain wisdom and understanding. 


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