URANUS IN THE 7TH HOUSE in Yearly Solar Return Chart

The primary interpretation for Uranus in the 7th house of Solar Return year, focuses on changes to relationships
Depending on what you are used to, relationships can change in a number of different ways. 

If you are not in a major relationship or have not been up until this point, this can be a milestone year for you, one in which you change your style of relating and push for greater intimacy.

It may be Sudden attractions are possible, and the person you have your eye on may be quite different from what you would normally expect.

Attractions can be very exciting, but also unpredictable. 

Patterns of relating tend not to be soothing, but somewhat disruptive. difficult for you to depend on the person you are involved with, since he or she will not want to be tied down at this time.

Freedom is an issue for both of you and togetherness may be on-again, off-again. Marriage is probably not an option during this Solar Return year, though you may live together. 
Existing relationships may go through a period of transition because one of you wishes to make a major change or needs more freedom of movement.
Usually, the freedom to make a major change is sufficient, but sometimes the push is stronger. Although separation may be indicated by Uranus in the 7th house, it is more commonly associated with Uranus in the 4th house square to the Ascendant-Descendant axis.  Also Read Transit of URANUS in 7th House of Marriage The Long term Transit that last for About 7 years

  • URANUS IN: ( | 1ST | ) , ( | 2ND | ) , ( |3RD | ) , ( | 4TH | ) , ( | 5TH | ) , ( | 6TH | ) , ( | 7TH | ) , ( | 8TH | ) , ( | 9TH | ) , (  |10TH | ) , ( | 11TH | ) , ( |12TH | )  HOUSE
Separations in consciousness are frequent with Uranus in the 7th house of Solar return. 

If your partner is working on a major project, he or she may seem detached and preoccupied, or extensive travel may be a job requirement, taking him or her away for part of the year. On the other hand, you might be the preoccupied or busy person. It is common to be separated for short periods of time for one reason or another. Perhaps one of you is married, lives out of town, or is busy with school, work or other activities. Changes directly affecting you can come through the spouse, lover, or business partner.  
For example
The person you are living with relocates, and you must decide to move also or separate. It is also possible for you to instigate changes on your own. In both new and old relationships, a lack of true intimacy is a frequent complaint. Connections might seem distant, commitments erratic. A conflict of interest is possible, especially if there are squares or oppositions to Uranus in the 7th house of Solar Return. 

It is normal to experience some relationship oscillation during the year. Changes sometimes necessitate a disruption of the intimacy routine and flow, but some couples move closer as they grant each other greater freedom of movement or expression. This is a time to become a friend to the person you are closest to. Distances will be more evident and serious in difficult relationships, but good relation-ships will survive and grow from the transition.

URANUS IN 4TH HOUSE of your yearly Horoscope
  • Less common possibilities with Uranus in the 4th house include changes in the health and/or independence of family members.. Learn more...
Planet in Solar return, Aspecting to URANUS

Planet Aspecting in URANUS Solar return chart

Solar Return chart MERCURY - URANUS Aspect
  • There is the possibility that you will experience psychologically stressful situations during the year. Learn More..
Solar Return chart MOON-URANUS Aspect.
  • Probably the most common activity associated with a Moon-Uranus aspect in a solar return chart is moving from one home to another. Especially when the Moon is conjunct, square or opposed to Uranus.. Learn more...
Solar Return chart URANUS - VENUS Aspect 
  • Financial changes are also likely to occur with Uranus-Venus aspects. If you are involved in a new and exciting relationship, you may give up your present home and job to relocate to ... Learn More...
  • When Astrological Transit of JUPITER, the luckiest planet in the solar system enters the 7th house of relationships. it can only mean good things—right? Yes, but it may not mean exactly what you expect it to mean. read more About Transit Jupiter in 7th House of Horoscope.

Astrologers use the term "URANUS IN THE 7TH  HOUSE of Solar Return" to describe a particular Astrological Reading technique of observing the moving planets forward in YEARLY BASIS. 

This technique is aptly named because it describes how a person progresses through their life From Birth Day to Birth day.


The interpretation of the solar return chart can stand alone and does not have to be related to the natal chart. A wealth of information can be obtained from just studying the solar return chart by itself, the house placements of the planets, and the aspects between them. But for those who look for natal confirmation or comparison of the solar return to the natal chart, place the natal chart outside the wheel of the solar return.

All sense of house placement is lost when the solar return goes outside the natal in a biwheel chart technique. This is a major loss, and it can cripple one's ability to interpret the solar return. There is a specific reason that the natal chart goes on the outside of a biwheel chart. As stated above, the solar return chart is meant to stand alone with much of its interpretation based on house placement. heres why, 👉 https://forms.gle/Ruinhdi3xNh94W7t9


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