Transiting CHIRON Square or Semisquare Natal CHIRON
CHIRON RETURN In Transit to Natal
A healing process is involved
Your experience during this Chiron Square transit will vary, depending on whether this is your first or second Chiron square.
- The first Chiron square occurs earlier in life, the second later after the Chiron opposition. If the first Chiron square is very early in your life, this is likely to be a time marked by trauma and unhappiness, possibly linked with a physical illness.
- If it is the second Chiron square, much later in life, it is potentially a very creative time, as by now you have a better understanding of yourself.
This can be a time when you discover something about the purpose and meaning of your life. Sometimes it will be linked with earlier life events, times of pain and/or healing.
These Transit of CHIRON Square, Semisquare Natal CHIRON, interpretations
Has written in the star to apply transits to Natal Aspect in the Sky or in other word, The Current Transit of Planet in the Sky are Very related Depend on each Individual natal chart. also read
Transiting vs. Natal:
Transiting Chiron, This refers to the current position of Chiron in the sky as it moves throughout the zodiac.
Natal Chiron, This is the position of Chiron in your birth chart, reflecting where your core wounds and healing potential lie.
Square and Semisquare Aspects
A square aspect (90 degrees apart) brings challenges and opportunities for growth. It can trigger issues related to your Chiron placement, forcing you to confront them.
A semisquare aspect (45 degrees apart) creates tension and a feeling of being stuck. It can nudge you towards addressing your Chiron wounds but in a more subtle way.