MARS IN THE 9TH HOUSE of your yearly Solar Return

This Solar Return year you will identify strongly with your religious, philosophical, and ethical beliefs, and this is a good time to pursue further investigations in these areas. 
Round-table discussions of these topics lead to a clearer under-standing of issues and possible implications. 

Spiritual concerns and dilemmas may be especially important during the coming year. Learn to share your thoughts rather than force issues. 

Support your words with actions and work for those causes you believe in. Motivate others with the strength of your conviction. 

Your commitment can be inspirational. Positively, this is a time when you can become a strong proponent of truth and justice; but, negatively, you may be prejudiced or intolerant of the beliefs of others if you use your convictions to assume a holier-than-thou stance.

There is no guarantee your beliefs will be beneficial to your spiritual growth or to those you come in contact with. 

The 9th house of Solar return chart is the house of all beliefs, not just those that are philosophical in nature. 
  • MARS IN : ( | 1ST ) , ( | 2ND  | ) , ( | 3RD  | ) , ( | 4TH  | ) , ( 5TH  | ) , ( | 6TH  | )  7TH  | ) , ( | 8TH  | ) , ( | 9TH  | ) , ( | 10TH  | ) , ( | 11TH | ) ,  ( | 12TH  | ) HOUSE SOLAR RETURN
With Mars in 9th house of Solar return chart, if you believe you have been wronged in the past, you will tend to take an offensive rather than neutral position regarding similar issues, events, or relation-ships. 
Anger could be inherent to your belief system, making you feel duty-bound to correct past situations or eliminate the possibility of a recurrence. 

If you work in the humanitarian field, you can fight for the rights of underprivileged people rather than brood over a personal problem. Mars in the 9th of Solar Return is noted for soapbox warfare (standing on a soapbox and pleading with the masses to end this deplorable situation). Also Read, Example case Study in Solar Return 9th House.

 But the difficulty with this placement is the very negative manifestation which allows the individual to justify offensiveness in personal matters. Inequities in the past should not become an excuse for inequities in the present. A strong defense is more appropriate to this placement than a strong offense (as long as the defense is not an impenetrable fortress). 

During the Solar return year, review your responses to anger-producing situations and consider ways to express anger in a more constructive manner. 

You need to learn to cope effectively with certain common or recurring situations in your life. You may not be able to control these difficult situations completely, but you are able to control your reactions. 

Choose a course of action which provides you with a good response while not escalating the problem. Now is the time to develop a game plan for handling anger-producing events, especially if you presently find it difficult to cope. 

Your anger might have been ineffectual in the past. Jumping up and down and screaming is generally ineffective. So is total retreat Learning to express anger intelligently is an important task to be mastered during the Solar Return year. 

The 9th house of solar return chart is also the house of travel. 👉 With Mars in this house, you tend to take quick and perhaps nerve-wracking trips. Another Example, 9th House with Uranus in the House. Quick trips and hectic travel are more likely than leisure pleasure cruises. 

Most likely, you may not be able to relax while traveling, and problems with weather, travel connections, and accommodations are possible. That does not mean that you can't enjoy traveling, but you should be careful not to pack too much into each trip. If you are very careless or angry, it is possible to have a minor accident while traveling, but this will probably occur only in very difficult, careless, or angry situations. 

The mind can be very active, and consequently, this is a good time to be self-taught. You can motivate yourself to gain knowledge while studying on your own. You should be involved in some intellectual pursuit, either alone or with others, be it school, teaching, lecturing, learning, etc. This is not the year to let your mind lie idle. Do research and find your own truth. Actively acquire information and organize it according to your beliefs. 

Planets Aspecting Mars 

Aspects to Mars reflect your ability to create your environment to suit your own needs and how you would tend to do this. The house placement of Mars shows where the activation is most likely to occur, and the aspects to Mars imply the various internal and external forces created which will either support or thwart your efforts. 

Astrologers use the term "MARS IN THE 9TH HOUSE in Solar Return" to describe a particular Astrological Reading technique of observing the moving planets forward in YEARLY BASIS. 

This technique is aptly named because it describes how a person progresses through their life From Birth Day to Birth day.

Therefore Progress In Yearly Solar Return are likely to show us signposts in life's journey and consequently help us gain wisdom and understanding. 


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