NEPTUNE IN THE 9TH HOUSE in Solar Return Year

Neptune  in 9th house of Solar Return is traditionally known as the house of religious and philosophical beliefs. 

For those who are seeking to raise their consciousness through meditation, spiritual studies, prayer, or alternate realities, this can be a time of great enlightenment. 

A realization of God and the Christ-consciousness is possible. 

Mystical experiences occurring during the year could significantly change your understanding of yourself, the Universal Oneness, and your purpose here on the earth plane. 

Strong realizations of this nature cannot be translated into words, and therefore may not be understood by others lacking the experience.

This is a time when you move toward your own inner comprehension of God and the spirit of the law, while realizing that religion and the letter of the law are inferior attempts at definition and comprehension. 

The danger with this placement is a tendency to be misguided. Because there is a movement from external standards (religion) to an internal realization (enlightenment), confusion and uncertainty may accompany the transition. 
  • People with Neptune in 9th house, often idealistic, open-minded, and spiritual. They have a strong desire to learn and grow, and they are always seeking new experiences. They may be drawn to different cultures, religions, and philosophies.
You can be off tack for a period of time and find it difficult to cope with philosophical and practical decisions. Mundane events and issues can test your new and old beliefs, pushing you toward further definition and understanding. Do not put your faith in a belief system which is totally unrealistic or impractical. Acute idealization is a problem, and unattainable expectations will inhibit your ability to function in the real world. 

If you push too hard for enlightenment, you will fall into the trap of focusing on the letter of the law while missing the spirit behind it; contra-dictions will arise. Others may be forcing you to pursue religious or philosophical systems which do not fit your needs or are inconsistent with your purpose. You are capable of being swayed by others. 

The distinguishing criterion here seems to be one of understanding. If you can express a principle in words, but do not understand what you are saying, this principle is probably incorrect for you and your needs at this time. However, if you have captured the spirit of the principle within your understanding and know that it conforms to the Universal need for goodness, do not be alarmed by your inability to translate these insights into words. True understanding is, many times, beyond words. At the same time, principles and experiences which come through true enlightenment can-not be passed on to others who have not had the experience. Common ground for under-standing will not exist Grow to trust the inner process. 

Others might be intolerant of your beliefs, or you of theirs. You must deal with your own misconceptions or with those of others. Occasionally you come in contact with fanatical beliefs, and in extreme cases, victimization can occur. Harassment because of racial differences, sexual orientation, or ethnic and religious prejudice can occur. 

In extreme cases, the harassment leads to legal problems. Legal questions are likely to remain undecided for much of the year. 
  • WHAT these influence are and WHEN we will have to deal with them. 👉 The PROGRESSED SOLAR RETURN Provide that Information the WHAT  The, the  WHEN ,  and Sometime I tell HOW . it also tells us  HOW LONG !  will remain in those status.
If you are involved with foreigners, or if you are a foreigner in another land, cultural differences may lead to difficultie s or intolerance. 

Misunderstandings are possible, especially i f you do not understand each other's customs. 
You may be thinking of attending school. If so, your course of study might be undecided. Perhaps the exact curriculum you need does not exist as a standard major, so you mix and match. You may be attending school only on a trial or probationary basis since you lack a clear understanding of your motives and goals. Financing for your education might be uncertain, leaving your continuing attendance 

up in the air. Another alternative is that you do not matriculate at all, but only consider the possibility all year long. But this is a good time to study religion, philosophy, or holistic concepts. This field of study can be particularly helpful. 

Planet in Solar Return Aspecting in NEPTUNE
  • NEPTUNE  IN ( | 1ST  | ) , ( | 2ND | ) ( | 3RD  | ) , ( | 4TH | ) ( | 5TH  | ) , ( | 6TH  | ) , ( | 7TH  | ) , ( | 8TH | ) , (  | 9TH  | ) , ( | 10TH | ) , (  | 11TH | ) , ( | 12TH  | )  HOUSE

Everything you need to know about NEPTUNE Return in your Natal Chart..

  • Because Neptune takes an incredibly long time to make a complete tour of the zodiac, you won’t experience its full cycle in your lifetime. You can, however, Read More..

Astrologers use the term "NEPTUNE IN THE 9TH HOUSE In Solar Return" to describe a particular Astrological Reading technique of observing the moving planets forward in YEARLY BASIS. 

This technique is aptly named because it describes how a person progresses through their life From Birth Day to Birth day.

Therefore Progress In Yearly Solar Return are likely to show us signposts in life's journey and consequently help us gain wisdom and understanding. 


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