VENUS IN THE 9TH HOUSE - In Solar Return and Progress Chart

With Venus in the 9th house of Solar return Year, your beliefs about intimate relationships are being tested. 
Make an effort to broaden your exposure to beauty, art, and social events. 

These will provide the catalyst for opening your mind to new concepts and may even inspire you to broaden your life experience through travel, foreign cultures, or simply taking a risk.
  • Venus in the 9th house show in progress chart ( Secondary progression ),   you begin to question the meaning of life. In particular you may query the relationships, 👉 Learn more..
In Venus in 9th house of Solar return,
You must support your intimate partnership with a philosophical concept of what that relationship is about and why it exists.

Gut reactions and unconscious responses will now seem inappropriate. Relationships are no longer simple boy-meets-girl encounters. They are a crucial part of your present life situation, and issues concerning them need to be examined. 

One relationship in particular, usually, but not necessarily the marriage, must be validated as a worthy and understandable association. 

It seems strange that Venus in the 9th house In yearly Horoscope chart might be associated with relationship difficulties, but this is often the case. 
Perhaps one tends to dream the impossible dream and yearn for more than is reasonable.  
If you have this placement, you will naturally tend to review your immediate, intimate involvements. 
You will consider your initial attraction, pains, and joys through your years together, and your ...
present feeling of fulfillment, anger or sadness. What you discover may reaffirm your commitment, or make you realize that your relationship is not living up to your expectations. (Expectation, as it is used here, is really a synonym for belief.) 

Normally there is a perceived internal or external threat to your main relationship which triggers this review process. Your relationship may not be fulfilling, or you or your partner may be interested in someone else. Sometimes the threat is serious, many times it is not; occasionally it is imagined. It may be only coincidental to the review process.   
The planets aspecting Venus and the houses they reside in or rule may indicate the issues involved. 
The main goal for this placement is to establish realistic philosophical and moral guidelines consistent with your intimate experiences and needs. During this Solar Return year, you might also formulate ethical codes of conduct with regard to professional business partnerships. 
These guidelines will help you better understand your present involvements while also setting up conduct standards for the future. 

As your beliefs evolve, you may need help sorting through the changes. For this reason, many individuals join a religious or philosophical discussion group during the year . The group may not discuss relationships per se, but the discussions will help you focus on the important issues. 
You are also more likely to take a course during the Solar Return year, and the course might be relevant to the issues you are faced with. Educational pursuits may focus on religious or philosophical topics, new-age concepts, or relationships themselves. 

If you attend a formal school, your relationships with professors, students, and fellow classmates should be warm and sociable, extending beyond the classroom experience. Benefits derived from your studies may be material, intellectual, emotional, or spiritual. Academic awards and recognition are possible for those who do their best work, regardless of whether you are the student or the teacher. 

You could travel this Solar Return year since you will be fascinated by foreign places, cultures, and people. Travel overseas may be particularly enjoyable. If you do business with those over-seas, foreign partnerships can be pleasant and profitable. If you cannot travel, study foreign customs, try out various ethnic foods, and visit ethnic neighborhoods. Romance with a foreigner is possible. 

PROGRESS VENUS IN NATAL 9TH HOUSE ( Secondary progression )

As the planet of love progresses into the 9th House of your Birth Chart so do you begin to question the meaning of life. In particular you may query the relationships, the lifes and times of your loved ones and your deepest connections with others. 

You may feel an urge to break the bonds of the past and to emerge with a new set of values. Your understanding of God, the world at large and world issues may come into focus. If you have connections with other cultures or people from foreign lands then these are likely to change for the better. 

If those connected to you do not make positive changes, then you are likely to instigate them yourself. You are ready for a new phase of life that is based on meaningful and purposeful connections. Your world is expanding in ways that bring you pleasure and likewise you want to share your experiences. You may feel an urge to study an academic course, or travel to foreign lands. If so then you are likely to do so for pure pleasure rather than from a sense of ambition, purpose or duty. Money will flow when you need it for publishing, travel and study

Planet Aspecting in Venus

Aspects to Venus reflect your ability and desire to exchange love and money with others and under what circumstances. This is a simplistic statement that becomes more complex when we look at the individual planets that aspect Venus.  

  • VENUS IN : ( | 1ST   | ) , ( | 2ND | ) , ( | 3RD  | ) , ( | 4TH   | ) , ( | 5TH   | ) , ( 6TH   | ) , ( 7TH  | ) , ( | 8TH  | ) , ( | 9TH  | ) , ( | 10TH  | ) , (  11TH   | ) , (  12TH   | ) HOUSE

Astrologers use the term "PROGRESS VENUS IN NATAL MARS " to describe a particular Astrological Reading technique of observing the moving planets forward in YEARLY BASIS.  This technique is aptly named because it describes how a person progresses through their life. 

Progressions are likely to show us signposts in life's journey and consequently help us gain wisdom and understanding. Some astrologers believe that Progressions are signs from our soul or higher self; others place less emphasis. We suggest that you read on and see for yourself.

each year the Sun returns to the exact position of your Birth Chart Sun. Wherever you are in the world astrologers can calculate this birthday chart. This chart is called a Solar Return; hence the saying "many happy returns". This chart represents the opportunities and challenges of the forthcoming year. It should also be read in conjunction with your Birth Chart to fully understand the lessons and opportunities available to you in any given year.

Please also be aware of the fact that each person possesses both positive and negative influences in the chart, and therefore in their lives. The challenge is to accept and overcome the negative influences, so that we can successfully focus on manifesting the positive traits or qualities.

If you have specific questions or need further insights based on your full natal chart report, feel free to visit 👉 


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