MERCURY IN THE 11TH HOUSE of Solar return Year

This is a busy social Solar return year (っ^▿^)۶🍸🌟🍺٩(˘◡˘ ) .

 Perhaps because you are pursuing a particular hobby, project or cause. Networking plays a key role. You objectively reassess social commitments, group interests, and causes. If you have been laid back, perhaps just wasting time (watching television, perhaps), boredom may set in. Your lesson: find a hobby or cause to which you can commit.    You may join a club, start classes, or try a new past-time. 

If you are already active , your commitments may change. You enjoy being part of a group or team. Perhaps work now requires you to become a team member, or your role in a group changes. The changes you experience may bring about changes in friendships. Your lesson is to remain adaptable as the cards are reshuffled..

The 10th house of Solar return chart rules laws and standards established by society to govern groups of people. Because they were prepared for the masses, they may not fit all individual situations or meet individual needs. 

The 11th house rules laws and standards established by the individual after reevaluating society's restrictions and regulations in light of personal experience.
  • MERCURY IN : ( | 1ST  | ) , ( |  2ND  | ) , ( | 3RD  | ) , ( | 4TH  | ) , ( | 5TH  | ) , ( | 6TH | ) , ) , ( | 7TH  | ) ( | 8TH  | )  ( | 9TH  | ) , ( |  10TH  | ) , ( |  11TH | ) , ( | 12TH  | )  HOUSE
With this Mercury in 11th house of Solar return, you will probably question social restrictions in an attempt to personalize limitations and understand their usefulness in your present situation. It is possible that your needs as an individual conflict with society's expectations. 
For example in Mercury in 11th house of Solar Return
if you are involved in a very difficult marriage and you are attracted to someone new, you might toy with the idea of having an affair. Pressure and needs relevant to your personal situation may contradict social restrictions. 

Because Mercury usually relates to a mental exercise, it is not necessary that you actually transgress social norms or experience compromising situations. Your reassessment may consist of a continuing intellectual or theoretical debate running through your mind for most of the year. But it is essential that you question the rules by which you live your daily life, and that you develop a new personal code of ethics.

The 11th house also emphasizes group needs versus individual needs. Therefore, it is common for the individual to be involved with a group or social situation which focuses on balancing these two energies. 

You may be involved in a group because you are more likely to attain goals through a combined effort than working independently. You may need to share thoughts and experiences with others and establish new goals for the future. The group you are involved in may be primarily intellectual or social, but it is also possible that the group is working toward a common goal. Communication among group members or the discussion of pressing issues may be an important part of the group efforts. 

Mercury in the 11th house may indicate self-help groups, especially if Mercury is squared by a planet in the 1st house, although these groups are more closely associated with the Moon or Mars in the 11th. 

Some organized groups tend to support group needs and goals over the needs of the individual. The individual may feel compromised in this situation. For example, a new collective business group hired a full-time advertising person to promote their business. They needed to hold down expenses since finances were limited. 

The person creating and placing the ads believed in the group efforts, but he needed to live off the salary received. In this case, the group goal of holding down expenses was not consistent with the individual's need to earn a good salary and provide a valuable service. The balance of individual needs versus group needs is usually emphasized in some way when Mercury is in the 11th house. 

A question of personal freedom underlies the issues of Mercury in the 11th house of Solar Return. Whether you are dealing with friends, groups, or society at large, the amount of individual freedom you enjoy is controlled to a certain degree by the relationships you have. You must accept certain restrictions and considerations so that your behavior does not impinge on the rights and freedoms of others. Therefore, issues related to monogamy in a relationship or loyalty among friends may be important 

Since this is a decisive year for goals, the process of questioning established norms is particularly important This is a time when you should be open to the new ideas and directions so necessary to the formulation of future goals. The questioning process opens your mind to original ways of thinking and frees you from unnecessary restrictions. The reevaluation process also helps you distinguish practical goals from unrealistic dreams. 

Mercury in the 11th house of Solar Return can suggest that you are able to justify theoretically your need for freedom from pointless restraint in order to pursue new goals for the future. 


  • Traditional name: House of Friendship 
  • Terrain: groups, societies, and networks; friends, money from career, investment, broadcasting, hopes and wishes, helpful people 
  • Shares common ground with: the sign of Aquarius; the planets Saturn, Uranus, and Jupiter 

(traditional astrologers place Jupiter in its “joy” in the eleventh house) Learn more..

MERCURY Retrograde in your Yearly Solar Return chart

When Mercury is retrograde, it is time to be introspective, especially about those things related to Mercury's house placement. You should be...👉 Learn more...

Planet Aspecting to Mercury
  Aspect to Mercury in the Solar return chart can also be indicative of mental Conditioning because they suggest that rational thinking is either enhance or impeded by other personality factor, For example..

  • MERCURY IN : ( | 1ST  | ) , ( |  2ND  | ) , ( | 3RD  | ) , ( | 4TH  | ) , ( | 5TH  | ) , ( | 6TH | ) , ) , ( | 7TH  | ) ( | 8TH  | )  ( | 9TH  | ) , ( |  10TH  | ) , ( |  11TH | ) , ( | 12TH  | )  HOUSE

In terms of timing ...

or to determine the timing of potential success or improvements in your situation in the near future , it would be helpful to look at your progress chart and Solar return. But I suggest to use Both for much more Accurate and comprehensive insight

Solar returns are meant to be used in conjunction with Progres chart Specially secondary progressions, when one is trying to time trends..

  • WHAT these influences are, and WHEN we will have to deal with them. The PROGRESSED CHART ( Secondary progression ) provides that information: the WHAT, the WHEN,  and Sometime I tell HOW. it also tells us HOW LONG! will remain in those status.  👉

Here are some guideline how to read the Progress chart

SOME GUIDELINE:✍(◔◡◔) Before reading Solar Return chart


The interpretation of the solar return chart can stand alone and does not have to be related to the natal chart. A wealth of information can be obtained from just studying the solar return chart by itself, the house placements of the planets, and the aspects between them.

 But for those who look for natal confirmation or comparison of the solar return to the natal chart, place the natal chart outside the wheel of the solar return. All sense of house placement is lost when the solar return goes outside the natal in a biwheel chart technique. This is a major loss, and it can cripple one's ability to interpret the solar return. There is a specific reason that the natal chart goes on the outside of a biwheel chart. As stated above, the solar return chart is meant to stand alone with much of its interpretation based on house placement. 

✍(◔◡◔) : Just in case, you need accurate interpretation of Natal chart Specially in Transit and Solar return, just use search bar in 👉✍(◔◡◔)

👉 Here To give you more Idea And here Some Guidline how to read your Solar Return SOLAR RETURN :


For Full Report Option 

The Place where you can found the Very Accurate interpretation and interpreter of your Chart.

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