Solar return chart MERCURY - MARS Aspect
Mars-Mercury aspects in Solar return chart suggest an energetic and inquisitive thought process.
This can be a time of great mental energy and an active search for knowledge. Your mind should be quick and alert, though not necessarily highly retentive.
Ideas move through and either evolve quickly or dissipate altogether.
Learning can be very exciting and self-perpetuating even if you study alone. The task is to follow up on creative insights with action, manifestation, and application. Use what you know.
Given the aspects between Mercury and Mars, this may or may not be an easy process.
- π MERCURY - MARS Synastry/Composite in SQUARE Aspect, A feisty relationship is the result of this combination of the planets Mercury ( You ) and Mars ( Your Partner ) Square Aspect.. Learn more..
What is great for the learning may not be so advantageous when malting decisions.
The speed normally associated with Mars can indicate that you are impulsive and quick to jump to conclusions. You may not take the time necessary for careful reflection or thorough research. Instead, you choose to handle situations with gut-level reactions rather than considered responses. In some cases, the tendency will be to make a hasty determination and then follow through with immediate, and perhaps even ill-advised, action.
Mars-Mercury combinations imply assertive ability and advocacy for those less fortunate, but at their worst, these aspects can suggest aggressiveness and great anger. (also See TRANSITING MARS Sextile or Trine Natal MERCURY )
On-going conflicts and daily confrontations may occur with very negative manifestations.
It will be difficult to determine who is the instigator and who is the victim. Those with strong tempers will have trouble controlling their anger and can vent over the smallest slight. In the heat of the moment, contemptuous individuals will blurt out hurtful comments without thinking about their effect on others or the consequences which can be significant. If the chart interpretation indicates unconscious pressure along with strong Mars-Mercury aspects in Solar Return, old suppressed anger and resentment may fuel present confrontations.
- ( || MOON - MARS || ) , ( || VENUS - MARS || ) , ( || MER - MARS || ) , ( || JUP - MARS || ) , ( || SAT - MARS || ) , ( || URA - MARS || ) , ( || NEPTUNE - MARS || ) , ( || PLUTO - MARS || ) ASPECT
You may not be fighting for what you believe is right in the present moment; instead, you are fighting because you have been wronged in the past. Focusing on past angry thoughts and outdated conflicts can be a terrible waste of a good mind.
Mercury's house placement in the solar return chart indicates what you are thinking about. Mercury's relationship to Mars indicates how thoughts are assimilated and put to good use in a creative manner. How easily this is accomplished, and in what manner, is suggested by the aspects. Get motivated. Use this time to accomplish many things and manifest your most promising ideas. Learn from your experiences along the way, establishing a feedback loop of ideas leading to creative manifestations which then generate new insights and ideas to ponder.
- MARS Conjunct in your yearly MERCURY return chart, suggests a very energetic mind that is quick and alert though in need of a strong focus. The intent is either on import, acquiring knowledge, or... Learn More..
- MARS Square or Opposite in your yearly MERCURY return chart, Because the aspect between Mercury and Mars is either a square or an opposition, the involvement of other individuals is likely. This is true whether you are acquiring information, malting decisions, or arguing.. Learn More..
- MARS Trine or Sextile in your Yearly MERCURY Return chart, indicates a very energetic and inquisitive mind. This can be a time of great mental energy and productivity. When you present your ideas, you are... Learn More...
Astrologers use the term "MERCURY - MARS Aspect of Solar Return" to describe a particular Astrological Reading technique of observing the moving planets forward in YEARLY BASIS.
This technique is aptly named because it describes how a person progresses through their life From Birth Day to Birth day.
Progressions describe the different phases in our lives as well as our inner urges and how they affect our lives rather than dramatic outer events. However, our urges can significantly affect the way in which we react to circumstances and therefore our decisions. It is important that we go with the flow rather than fight against the tides of our lives.
Therefore Progress In Yearly Solar Return are likely to show us signposts in life's journey and consequently help us gain wisdom and understanding. Some astrologers believe that Yearly Solar Return are signs from our soul or higher self; others place less emphasis. We suggest that you read on and see for yourself.
- MARS Conjunct in your yearly MERCURY return chart, suggests a very energetic mind that is quick and alert though in need of a strong focus. The intent is either on import, acquiring knowledge, or... Learn More..
- MARS Square or Opposite in your yearly MERCURY return chart, Because the aspect between Mercury and Mars is either a square or an opposition, the involvement of other individuals is likely. This is true whether you are acquiring information, malting decisions, or arguing.. Learn More..
- MARS Trine or Sextile in your Yearly MERCURY Return chart, indicates a very energetic and inquisitive mind. This can be a time of great mental energy and productivity. When you present your ideas, you are... Learn More...