VENUS RETROGRADE in your yearly Solar return chart

Of the eight placements Venus has in the solar return chart, one is usually consistently retrograde, though irregularities occur. 

Venus retrograde indicates a time of comparison and contrast. 

Your increased ability to distinguish and value inner qualities separate from external situations signals an opportunity to compare and contrast the importance of each.

 Relationships, finances, and priorities should all be reassessed on the basis of the inner qualities they exhibit in comparison to the external pleasure or stress that they generate. Your focus on internal values will tend to overshadow your need for external manifestation; consequently, you will make adjustments in your pursuit of materialistic and external goals. 


Relationships are always more important for the love you give and receive During Venus Retrograde than the external trappings; however, this issue will become more evident during this Solar Return year. 

You may be in love with a special person who treats you wonderfully, but refuses to consider marriage. If you were attracted to this person because of his or her inner qualities, it is important to appreciate your feelings for one another, and not get hung up on the legalization process. 

During this Solar return year you will tend to assess relationships you see or experience for the inner and outer qualities which they possess or lack. You can always find others who have the external trap-pings you desire without genuine caring. (Ex-ample: a verbally abusive marriage.) 

External, artificial indicators of affection are meaningless. It is the inner and sometimes less apparent qualities that are important. Your attention to this issue will make the incongruity more obvious to you. Part of this discernment process can involve frustration with personal involvements which do not conform to your external expectations of what a relationship or partner should be. 

Love does not necessarily occur in neat little storybook packages, and frustration results from close attention to extemal storybook details which cannot truly satisfy internal needs. Outer limitations stress the importance of inner beauty. 

Because third parties may not easily see the qualities that you appreciate in your loved one, they may criticize your choice. Their criticism will encourage you to further define the inner beauty that attracts you. Those relationships which possess no redeeming inner qualities will seem void and unfulfilling. They can be discarded regardless of the external advantages they supply. 
Values must be more closely attuned to the individual's aesthetic appreciation and therefore may be less consistent with societal preferences and standards. 

One can see unique beauty in what might appear ordinary to others. Your taste in material objects might depend on the emotional qualities associated with those objects. Price or status is unimportant. 
Venus retrograde symbolizes an emphasis on the quality of life over the desire for financial gain. The money you earn should not be as important as the quality of your working environment and your satisfaction while on the job. 

Focusing on your inner need for contentment and fulfillment allows you to let go of a large salary, and search for an enjoyable employment position even though it may involve a pay cut If you continue to work at a stressful job because of the pay, you may be very unhappy. Materialism will not bring you true happiness this year or any year. If you must re-main in a stressful job, develop a strong belief in yourself and your abilities. Set goals that are rewarding and doable. Do not focus on your in-ability to perform at your best when conditions are at their worst Some work environments are dysfunctional.

Financially, this is generally a time to be conservative with funds. You cannot make good decisions about the quality of your life if you are more concerned with your monetary situation. 

Social contacts and involvement in social activities are not emphasized while Venus is retrograde in the solar return. You need more time to focus inward and may withdraw from some or all social functions because you welcome the time alone. You might no longer enjoy these functions, or you might realize that certain social relationships are too difficult and unrewarding to maintain. For those individuals who require counseling, this can be a time of isolation. Withdrawal is common with Venus retrograde, but generally, any time alone can be put to good use. You could want to be alone with one special person. 

Retrograde Planets 

Do not pay attention to retrograde outer planets in the solar return. There is about a 50/50 chance that the outer planets will be retrograde since they are each retrograde for almost six months out of the year. Generally, if an outer planet is positioned ninety degrees or more after your Sun's zodiacal placement, and not less than ninety degrees before your Sun's placement, it will be retrograde. Half of the population will have a retrograde Pluto in their solar returns this year. 

Some individuals will have Pluto retrograde in their solar return charts throughout their entire lifetime. Therefore, consider the retrogradation of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto meaningless in the broad context of solar return interpretation. 

The interpretation of retrograde Mercury, Venus, and Mars, however, is very important. Learn more..


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