SOLAR RETURN CHART: The Moon as an Emotional Indicator

While we speak of the Moon as simply an indication of one's emotional nature, the actual interpretation of the Moon is more complex than simple. 

The Moon is not just an indicator of feelings; one's emotional nature is a multidimensional conglomeration of feelings, temperament, needs, and unconscious responses. We cannot look at the Moon as one-sided; we must study its interpretation from a number of perspectives.

The Moon represents the individual's feelings regardless of whether or not they are ex-pressed openly. The type of feelings you have during the year can be demonstrated by the Moon's sign, position, and aspects. 

The Moon's sign can be important even though the Moon has essentially only nineteen placements, because it is indicative of what the individual feels during the year and how he or she is most likely to exhibit those feelings. 
For example, a solar return Moon in Cancer, interpreted by itself and out of context, implies that the individual tends to be more emotional during the year. He or she may feel more nurturing toward others, and therefore tend to attract relationships and situations which allow the expression of protective or dependent feelings. 

ANOTHER EXAMPLE in Transit of Moon
On the other hand, the individual with the solar return Moon in Aquarius could be preoccupied with mental activities and not be concerned with emotional issues during the year. Certainly, placements and aspects modify or even negate these interpretations, but by and large they will be true. The Moon sign is a valuable clue to the types of feelings the individual will have and express during the solar return year. It is also indicative of the individual's emotional temperament. 

The major difference between an individual's feelings and basic temperament is that feelings tend to make up one's basic temper-ament. The word temperament implies one's overall pattern of emotional response; it is an emotional factor that remains constant regardless of the circumstances. On the other hand, feelings imply a specific emotion in response to a particular event or situation. For example, moody people have emotional swings. Their feelings change depending on whether or not they are experiencing happy or sad events; however, their proclivity toward emotional highs and lows remains constant regardless of their particular mood at any 

point in time. Despite feelings of joy or de-pression, they still have a moody disposition. The solar return Moon's sign is generally very descriptive of your emotional temperament. It can suggest an array of emotional characteristics including moodiness, sensitivity, coldness, or enthusiasm. As always, the interpretation is modified by the Moon's house placement and aspects. 

Emotional needs play a crucial role in the Moon's cycle of change and emotional maturation. As explained above, the Moon moves in an understandable pattern through the solar return. During each year, the individual knows certain emotional needs must be met in order to feel secure and fulfilled. These needs, which fluctuate from year to year, cause the individual to create the variety of situations necessary for emotional maturity. 

The Moon's sign, aspects, and placement suggest what type of experiences will be needed in order to continue the maturation process. 


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