MOON SQUARE or OPPOSITE JUPITER in your Yearly Solar Return Chart
When the Moon is square or opposite Jupiter in the solar return, you may not ex-press your feelings clearly and effectively to others.
Your ability to express your feelings within a significant relationship is important to your emotional growth, and also to the growth of the relationship. Jupiter symbolizes your ability to expand, and the Moon symbolizes your feeling nature.
When the two are in difficult aspect, the process of sharing emotions and then having those emotions understood may be stressful.
- Transiting JUPITER Semisquare SATURN - Transit to Natal, difficulty striking a balance between your own personal goals and your responsibilities...
- Transiting URANUS Semisquare JUPITER - Transit to Natal, you crave excitement and feel frustrated by anything or anyone who restricts your freedom...
- Transiting JUPITER Square Natal NEPTUNE, You are currently vulnerable to deception and disillusionment
Looking back and opening up can be painful. There may be memories you prefer not to recall, hurts you do not wish to verbalize, and transgressions you refuse to own, but within the therapeutic process, this is what needs to occur. Sharing your feelings is essential for relatedness and intimacy. Problems expressing your feelings or a failure to reach a level of understanding will lead to emotional stagnation and estrangement.
If the Moon is square or opposite Jupiter in the solar return chart, a real or imagined bar-rier to expressing your true feelings can exist.
- Moon conjunct to Jupiter might imply overwhelming emotions related to the house placement for the Moon and Jupiter. Learn more...
- Moon sextile or trine Jupiter in the solar return indicates a positive outlook on life. This can be a Solar Return year of happiness and contentment.. Learn more...
You may face external pressure to be stronger and not so emotional. Others may not be able to relate to the events and traumas that you have been through. It may be important to work through this barrier and be understood by someone even if he or she is not a friend or family member, but a professional. Jupiter is a benefic planet even in a stressful aspect. Overcoming barriers and expanding through emotional interchange can lead to rewarding experiences.
Moon-Jupiter aspects in solar return sometimes imply overwhelming emotions. Do you cry over touching television commercials?
- π While MOON ( you ) Quincunx JUPITER ( your partner ) in Synastry Chart, Although there can be some difficulties with this combination, on the whole this is a positive combination. You and your Partner... Learn more
The solar return house position for Jupiter might indicate the area of life where you feel overcommit-ted, overwhelmed, or overly emotional. Take steps to rebalance your lifestyle if certain situations have become excessively dramatized making you feel vulnerable and emotionally exhausted.
It is important to convey all emotions, both negative and positive. Only then will you get honest feedback from those you trust. On one hand, you can be overly optimistic and unaware of the pitfalls and negative con-sequences to your decisions and actions. On the other hand, you may be too afraid to step forward and take a risk. Intellectual inter-changes can help to ground and stabilize your decisions, actions, and emotions.
Be forewarned that others may not be emotionally open to discuss or share with you. Communication difficulties may lie partially or completely with others making emotional exchanges difficult, if not impossible.
Candidly expressing your feelings could motivate others. If you are working on a humanitarian project and you need volunteers, your ability to motivate others with your passionate portrayal of needs and circumstances will help your cause. Use your emotions to in-spire others.
Planets in Solar return chart Aspecting the Moon
- ( || MOON - MERCURY || ) , ( || MOON - MARS || ) , ( || MOON - VENUS || ) , ( MOON - JUPITER || ) , ( || MOON - SATURN || ) , ( || MOON - URANUS || ) , ( || MOON - NEPTUNE || ) , ( || MOON - PLUTO || )
- MOON IN: ( | 1ST | ) , ( | 2ND | ) , ( | 3RD | ) , ( | 4TH | ) , ( | 5TH | ) , ( | 6TH | ) , ( | 7TH | ) , ( | 8TH | ) , ( | 9TH | ) , ( | 10TH | ) , ( | 11TH | ) , ( | 12TH | ) HOUSE
Planet in Solar return Apecting in JUPITER
- ( || MOON - JUPITER || ) , ( || MERCURY - JUPITER || ) , ( || MARS - JUPITER || ) , ( || VENUS - JUPITER || )
- JUPITER IN : ( | 1ST | ) , ( | 2ND | ) , ( | 3RD | ) , ( | 4TH | ) , ( | 5TH | ) , ( | 6TH | ) , ( 7TH | ) , ( 8TH | ) , ( | 9TH | ) , ( | 10TH | ) , ( | 11TH | ) , ( | 12TH | ) HOUSE