Mars square or opposite Uranus in Solar Return Chart can be a stressful aspect. 

The action you wish to make is shown by the solar return house placement of Mars. 

  • MARS IN : ( | 1ST ) , ( | 2ND  | ) , ( | 3RD  | ) , ( | 4TH  | ) , ( 5TH  | ) , ( | 6TH  | )  7TH  | ) , ( | 8TH  | ) , ( | 9TH  | ) , ( | 10TH  | ) , ( | 11TH | ) ,  ( | 12TH  | ) HOUSE
The response to your action or the disruption you endure is shown by the solar return house placement of Uranus. For example, you act independently without consulting others, and your spouse, boss, or family member react negatively. 

On the other hand, changes initiated by others have a major impact on you and disrupt your plans completely. There is less likely to be mutual consent and support, while it is more likely that changes arise through disagreement and conflict. 

Strong changes, whether self-initiated or initiated by others, are associated with Mars square or opposite Uranus in Solar Return. 
Changes range from a constant stream of annoying disruptions to sudden and dramatic transformations. Although transitions can be beneficial or detrimental in the long run, depending on individual differences and manifestation, they tend to occur under pressure. 

If you prepare for needed or inevitable changes, you lessen the length and extent of any stress and disruption. If you resist needed and inevitable changes, you magnify disruption to the point of emotional trauma. There is both an easier way to transition and a more difficult way. 

Changes are frequently born of restlessness, especially if you have fallen into a mindless routine that does not make you happy or fulfilled. You may not like your job, your lifestyle, or the way you look and feel. Dissatisfaction is a call to action, not a call for complaint. Complaining changes little and only increases tension. You have to ask yourself, "Why does anyone stay in a situation that makes him or her unhappy?" 

The reason is that there are both negative and positive aspects about remaining, and negative and positive aspects about changing. The goals of staying and going are both simultaneously appealing and unappealing. Psychologically, this is known as an "Approach-Avoidance Conflict." Tension increases when you come close to making a change, and also increases as you back away in resignation. The tendency is to remain equidistant from either option, in limbo and undecided, where anxiety is less, but stress remains. It takes energy to make a major change, and the rise in tension may be necessary to initiate the process. Anxiety can occur leading up to change and immediately after when actions are subject to review and regret. The stakes tend to be high whether you come or go. As long as you remain in the conflict, tension will build until it reaches a tipping point. You may finally take action, or the situation can be taken out of your hands and decided for you.

During the transitional stage, the behavioral patterns of all those involved might be erratic, and on-again, off-again situations are not uncommon. 

For example,  

Even if you are thinking of ending a relationship, you might be loving one moment and cold the next. The same can be true of your partner. There is no clear-cut consistency. Indicators and people flip-flop making any conflict or change difficult to address. Impulsive reactions become the norm while the relationship undergoes a transition.

Freedom and separation are common themes associated with Uranus. 

This is because of an increasing need for independence by one or more parties. Individualism is strong, and if not allowed expression will grow into rebelliousness. Although the need for greater freedom of movement can lead to a broken relationship, this is not necessarily so. There are degrees of freedom and couples who are committed to each other's self-expression and growth, need not fear. One may only need a little latitude to return to school, start a business, or retire. It is only when restrictions and control become major issues, that they will be met with assertiveness and anger, possibly leading to a separation.

Anger, suppressed or expressed indiscriminately, is always a consideration with Mars-Uranus aspects in Solar Return

Planet in Solar return, Aspecting to URANUS

Planet in Solar Return Chart Aspecting to MARS

The issue is not whether you allow the anger to seek expression: the issue is one of directing the energy into a creative and productive outcome. Sticking your head in the sand is not the answer and may make things worse. The real danger associated with Mars-Uranus aspects and anger is a tendency toward accidents of one form or another. This can be automobile accidents, freak accidents, unexpected, radical changes in direction that lead you to stumble either literally or figuratively. This is where Uranus aspects become associated with unpredictable events. Accidents are more likely to occur during times of suppressed anger or conscious rage. Normally, they will not come out of the blue without an internal calling card. If you have a Mars square or opposite Uranus aspect in your solar return chart, remain aware of your frustrations and seek creative options for dealing with them.

The most exciting interpretation involves originality and inventiveness. Something new is on the horizon. You can be the creator of the change you wish to see. Use your creativity not only to look at problems and seek solutions, but to also establish new fulfilling patterns of behavior. Be original and individualistic. 

This may be your Solar Return year for a stroke of genius. 
  • MARS CONJUNCT URANUS, Major changes, usually self-initiated, These changes can be carefully orchestrated by the individual or be the result of impulsive reactions to stress...
  • MARS SEXTILE or TRINE URANUS, It can be a creative year of beneficial change. Changes might occur all at once after months of preparation, or through numerous infrequent bursts....

 URANUS IN: ( | 1ST | ) , ( | 2ND | ) , ( |3RD | ) , ( | 4TH | ) , ( | 5TH | ) , ( | 6TH | ) , ( | 7TH | ) , ( | 8TH | ) , ( | 9TH | ) , (  |10TH | ) , ( | 11TH | ) , ( |12TH | )  HOUSE


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