VENUS SQUARE or OPPOSITE MARS in your Yearly Solar Return Chart

Venus square or opposite Mars in a solar return chart 

Can indicate conflicts occurring in a significant personal relationship or business partnership. The area of contention is shown by the solar return house placement of Mars. 

The relationship or benefit being com-promised is indicated by the house placement of Venus. 
For example, if Venus is in the first house, indicating the need for gentleness and time alone while Mars is in the 7th house of relationships indicating high energy and possible aggression, partners will have different needs and expectations during the Solar Return year. 

They should respect each other's preference and seek areas of integration and balance. It is important for partners to be supportive of each other's actions and needs, but this may or may not be the case. While some couples will work together and strengthen their relationship, others will fight repeatedly and negatively affect their relationship. 

Obliviously, Venus square or opposite Mars in Solar Return Year is a two-edged sword with both positive and negative interpretations. Actions can either support or conflict with relationship and/ or financial needs and can provoke positive or negative responses from a partner. ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛) 👉 - ( ͡♥ ‿●‿ ͡♥) While VENUS ( You ) Semisquare MARS ( your partner ) in Sysnastry Chart, This is a strong combination for a love union because it creates an intense sexual attraction. The durability and nature of the relationship depends on other connections between You  and your partner ). Desire is strong, perhaps too strong at times in this relationship. 👉 Learn more...

Some couples never coordinate their efforts and this might be more complicated when Venus and Mars are in difficult aspect in Solar Return. 

Issues may be longstanding and relate somewhat to the individual personalities involved and the couples history. The best predictor of the future is the past. Stress can bring out the worst in people. While partners in strong and stable relationships motivate each other to higher achievements, partners in faltering relation-ships squabble over efforts, undermining independent and joint endeavors, thereby sabotaging any chance of benefit or success. 

Battlegrounds are commonly associated with fights over money, sex, and control. Salaries can go up or down dependent on work ethics, efforts, goals, and attitude. If you are distracted by competing relationship issues, you may need to cut back on hours. This can affect your take-home pay. While trying to land a big account or expand your business, you may neglect your partner. This can affect your relationship. Extra work does not necessarily pay well. Since Venus is square or opposite Mars, partners are less likely to coordinate their spending practices and agree on what needs to be purchased. Paying bills probably falls to one individual who bears the burden of balancing a budget. Maintaining some sense of balance between finances and relationships is the goal for the year. 

Sexual attraction and satisfaction are important factors in both new and established relationships. Interactions can either contribute to or detract from the relationship's success or failure. Even though the square and opposition are known to be stressful aspects, they may indicate an increase in desire, but sexual relations might be out of synch. 

Venus rules love, beauty, receptivity, and attractiveness while Mars rules sex, action, and assertiveness. In the best of relationships, the inward receptivity associated with Venus is compatible with the outward assertiveness associated with Mars. 

  • VENUS SEXTILE or TRINE MARS - Venus rules love, beauty, receptivity, and attractiveness while Mars rules sex, action, and assertiveness. With the sextile and the tine, feminine personality aspects of the relationship can be in harmonious balance with the masculine personality aspects. learn more...
  • VENUS CONJUNCT MARS - Some couples never coordinate their efforts. This may relate somewhat to the individual personalities involved and the couples history. The best predictor of the future is the past.. Learn more...

The couple is able to find common ground. When there is no mutually acceptable intimacy, tension results in one or both individuals and will increase until dealt with directly. With the square and the opposition, it is also possible that an interfering element augments the stress. 

The need to control is a byproduct of either active misdirected anger or suppressed passive aggression. The need to control has no place in any healthy relationship. It signals the individual's inability to channel emotional drives effectively into creative pursuits. If you are a self-actualized person, you have no need to control another and cannot be easily con-trolled. You create your destiny by incorporating both the Venusian and Marsian principles into your personality. 

  • MARS IN : ( | 1ST ) , ( | 2ND  | ) , ( | 3RD  | ) , ( | 4TH  | ) , ( 5TH  | ) , ( | 6TH  | )  7TH  | ) , ( | 8TH  | ) , ( | 9TH  | ) , ( | 10TH  | ) , ( | 11TH | ) ,  ( | 12TH  | ) HOUSE

Planet in Solar Return Chart Aspecting to MARS

  • VENUS IN : ( | 1ST   | ) , ( | 2ND | ) , ( | 3RD  | ) , ( | 4TH   | ) , ( | 5TH   | ) , ( 6TH   | ) , ( 7TH  | ) , ( | 8TH  | ) , ( | 9TH  | ) , ( | 10TH  | ) , (  11TH   | ) , (  12TH   | ) HOUSE

Planet Aspecting in Venus


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