NEPTUNE Square or Opposite MERCURY in Solar Return Vs Transit
Neptune — Ruler of Pisces, Square or Opposite Mercury in Solar Return,
Can indicate that important factual information you receive from others during the year may be partial, inaccurate, or vague..
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The cause of your uncertainty and confusion may originate with them.
Planet in Solar Return Chart Aspecting to Mercury
What you are told might be different from what you know either intuitively or rationally. Reality, factual information, and truth are less defined, open to interpretation, and relative. Your normal points of reference for evaluating information are changing or absent altogether.
Without complete and adequate facts, you may be left hanging for most of the year, unable to finalize a major decision or gain clarity.
In older individuals, confusion may actually be senility or dementia.
Neptune's most negative interpretation is a loss of mental capabilities through alcohol or drug use or abuse. Even prescription medications can be a problem and might be suspect with the sudden outset of mental decline. It is worth checld ng medications for known side effects. Addictive behavior and alcoholism tend to be uncommon manifestations that are more closely associated with a consistent pattern of avoidance behavior and escapism.
Most people will not fall into this trap. Because Neptune — either squares or opposes Mercury in Solar Return, problems with addictions might not involve you personally, but may be related to those you are close to or depend on in one sense or another.
- Transiting NEPTUNE Square Natal Ascendant, In Transit to Natal Aspect in The Sky. This can be a time of confusion in your personal relationships.. See more..
- Transiting URANUS Sesquisquare Natal NEPTUNE , During this time you could fall prey to deception, either your own self-delusion or someone else's veiled actions
This means you have less or no control over corrective action and must view individuals with understanding and compassion. The external circumstances surrounding others could foster an opportunity for your internal spiritual development
This is not the time for detailed, factual information and left-brain processes.
You may be more in touch with compassion, creativity, spirituality, and right-brain processes than rational thought. As your sensitivity to subtlety increases, you will acquire information through intuitive insights. Increased intuitive awareness might precede your ability to weigh these insights for their accuracy, value, and relevance. It is sometimes difficult to discriminate between what is really intuitive and what is more closely akin to worry, fear, or false hope. For this reason, it may be best to suspend judgment, at least temporarily. Grow with the insights you are receiving by seelding practical applications for idealistic concepts.
Put your trust in a Higher Power during times of confusion. Certainty might not be necessary at this time. The delay caused by confusion might be advantageous in the long run. Focus on understanding and compassion rather than a search for factual, mundane truth. The details can disappoint you and mis-represent the bigger picture you need to grasp. Inconsistencies and confusion may not be resolved this year, but in the end, understanding will arise. Perhaps why and how are more important than what. Be gentle with yourself when you are not as clear as you used to be and allow the right-brain, creative, artistic, intuitive, and spiritual processes to to be center stage.
Transiting NEPTUNE Opposition in your Natal MERCURY
In Transit to Natal Aspect in The Sky, or in other word, The Current Transit of NEPTUNE in the Sky are Very related to your Natal MERCURY in Opposition aspect
- This Transit will last for About 1 month
During this time you may feel that you are being misunderstood by other people and that no matter what you say it is interpreted wrongly.
In extreme cases you may be the victim of deception or find yourself in a situation where you are deceiving someone else. Communications in general are under a cloud at the moment and it is best to lay low and avoid major decisions. Although you may feel confused and unsure of yourself remember this is a passing phase and the outcome will be greater clarity and spiritual awareness.
- NEPTUNE SEXTILE or TRINE MERCURY IN SOLAR RETURN, It suggests you are inspired by compassion, creativity, and spirituality...
Everything you need to know about NEPTUNE Return in your Natal Chart..
- Because Neptune takes an incredibly long time to make a complete tour of the zodiac, you won’t experience its full cycle in your lifetime. You can, however, Read More..
Planet in Solar Return Chart Aspecting to Mercury
- ( || MER - VENUS || ) , ( || MER - MARS || ) , ( ||MER - JUPITER || ) , ( || MER - SATURN || ) , ( || MER - URANUS || ) , ( || MER - NEPTUNE || ) , ( ||MER - PLUTO|| )
- ( || MOON - NEP || ) , ( || MERCURY - NEP || ) , ( || MARS - NEP || ) , ( || VENUS - NEP || )
- NEPTUNE IN : ( | 1ST | ) , ( | 2ND | ) ( | 3RD | ) , ( | 4TH | ) ( | 5TH | ) , ( | 6TH | ) , ( | 7TH | ) , ( | 8TH | ) , ( | 9TH | ) , ( | 10TH | ) , ( | 11TH | ) , ( | 12TH | ) HOUSE