EASTERN HEMISPHERIC EMPHASIS in your yearly Solar Return Chart
With nine or all of the planets in the eastern half of the chart, one is either self-motivated or not motivated at all. During the year, it is the personal desire of the individual which pushes for success in almost any endeavor, not the intent or wishes of someone else. For this reason, persons with the eastern emphasis chart do not have to depend on anyone else for guidance or support. They are already inspired on an inner level. Use this year to develop self-motivation, self-direction, and self-reliance. This does not mean that important others are missing from your life; but it does show a need for personal action and the realization that there are some things that others cannot do for you, and you must do for yourself. This type of chart can indicate too much emphasis on self-interest without any regard for others. You can ignore the effect your behavior has on others, make impulsive decisions without consulting the significant people in your life, or refuse...