Transiting PLUTO Opposition Natal MIDHEAVEN - ( Transit and Progress chart )

If this aspect is showing up in your transit chart,  or in other word, The Current Transit of  PLUTO as you look up  in the Sky are Allign to your Natal  MIDHEAVEN in  opposition  aspect. 

Effects in a Transit Chart (12-18 months).

The ground is moving underneath you and it is difficult to find a foothold. 

In effect the foundations of your life, which you believed to be sure, are cracking. This can be exciting if you enjoy the challenge of change, but most often it is a time which leaves you feeling vulnerable. The areas most affected by this transit are your home and family members. 

It is a time of intensity and upheaval on the homefront. Family members may leave home or come to stay disrupting the comfortable routine. It is also possible that you change homes during this transit  PLUTO Opposition Natal MIDHEAVEN. 

Whatever the circumstances you are being asked to delve into your personal life with a view to changing at a deep level. You will not feel like the same person by the end of this period.

If this Aspect show in your Progress chart .

The Secondary progressions track the movement of your natal planets at a slower pace 1 day is equal to 1 year, reflecting long-term developments in your life. 

Progress PLUTO Opposition Natal MIDHEAVEN aspect  often indicating a time of profound transformation and power struggles in one's career, public image, and life direction..

On a psychological level, this aspect may trigger a deep inner transformation regarding your sense of purpose, ambition, and how you express yourself in the world. You may feel compelled to confront and overcome any limitations or obstacles standing in the way of achieving your goals.

You can find accurate interpretation of your chart , Just Search here

AGAIN, Pls Notice  Transiting PLUTO, as you look up in the Sky Are in Aspect  Natal to MIDHEAVEN So it mean ..

Transiting MIDHEAVEN Aspect in Natal PLUTO, is Different interpretation

In Transit to Natal, Different order different interpretation, take note on that.

In Quincunx Aspect to Midheaven,
Transit last for About A year.

This is a time when you are required to make changes in your life direction which will require a large amount of honesty and soul-searching. 

You are being asked to let go of a position of power, which has either come to a natural end or has developed into a negative situation. This could be stressful or joyful. This can also be a time of death and separation. If this time is painful it is beneficial to remember that out of the ashes rose the Phoenix.

✍(◔◡◔): Also note 
When using these interpretations PLUTO Aspect in Natal MIDHEAVEN, please bear in mind that, inevitably, every chart will contain some contradictory influences, and as a result certain interpretations of different items in the same chart may seem difficult to reconcile. 

However, this may still be an accurate reflection of what is happening to the individual whose transits are being interpreted, as people do experience conflicting desires, events and circumstances in their lives. 

It is the responsibility of the astrologer to synthesise these apparent contradictions in order to present a cohesive and realistic interpretation of the dilemmas of the chart. 


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