SUN SEXTILE or TRINE SATURN - Solar Return year
This Solar year (っ^▿^)۶🍸🌟🍺٩(˘◡˘ ) you can work and achieve your
ambitions, if you stick to your work and use your common sense. You
have the strength and stamina to achieve your ambitions. Relaxation
time is likely to be sparse, so use it wisely.
Pay attention to
detail, acquire necessary skills, seek professional advice when
necessary, or gradually build up new avenues when the old ones cease
to work. You may also be required to tighten the purse strings, work
within a budget, or direct your funds to renovating your home or
restructuring your business. Time to pay attention to the structures
that uphold your life whether these are the buildings, your finances,
partnerships or investments. You have the vigour and are working hard
as an investment in your future happiness.
When the Sun is sextile or trine Saturn in the solar return chart, it implies a sense of structure that is supportive and opportunistic.
You may reap what you have sown in the past. The harder you have worked, the more likely a reward. Your ability to handle present issues in a positive and timely manner creates stability and progress. The productive characteristics associated with Saturn include persistence, patience, organization, practicality, and realistic expectations. When your behavior is consistent with these beneficial traits, self-mastery and advancement result.
When you shirk responsibility and do not put forth the effort, little if any progress is made, and opportunities wither. Even though the Sun is sextile or trine Saturn and these are fortunate aspects, nothing is given, and everything is earned. Saturn has been called "the great teacher" of the zodiac, and a tough teacher at that. Accept responsibility for your life, appreciate how far you have come, and work toward further success.
That is the lesson to be learned this Solar Return year.
When the Sun sextiles or trines Saturn, assess your progress and determine the next stage of development.
Your perceptions of existing conditions are essential in forming long-range plans for the future. Even if this is a Solar Return year of completion, ask yourself, "What's next?" You must be both realistic and patient in your assessment of options. It is common to be involved with a major project or task during the year that requires much of your attention. Use your skills and talents in a productive manner while developing expertise needed for the future.
In terms of timing ...
or to determine the timing of potential success or improvements in your situation in the near future , it would be helpful to look at your progress chart and Solar return. But I suggest to use Both for much more Accurate and comprehensive insight
Solar returns are meant to be used in conjunction with Progres chart Specially secondary progressions, when one is trying to time trends..
- WHAT these influences are, and WHEN we will have to deal with them. The PROGRESSED CHART ( Secondary progression ) provides that information: the WHAT, the WHEN, and Sometime I tell HOW. it also tells us HOW LONG! will remain in those status. 👉
Here are some guideline how to read the Progress chart
- 👉 Crucial Indicators in the Progressed Chart ( Secondary progression )
SOME GUIDELINE:✍(◔◡◔) Before reading Solar Return chart
The interpretation of the solar return chart can stand alone and does not have to be related to the natal chart. A wealth of information can be obtained from just studying the solar return chart by itself, the house placements of the planets, and the aspects between them.
But for those who look for natal confirmation or comparison of the solar return to the natal chart, place the natal chart outside the wheel of the solar return. All sense of house placement is lost when the solar return goes outside the natal in a biwheel chart technique. This is a major loss, and it can cripple one's ability to interpret the solar return. There is a specific reason that the natal chart goes on the outside of a biwheel chart. As stated above, the solar return chart is meant to stand alone with much of its interpretation based on house placement.
✍(◔◡◔) : Just in case, you need accurate interpretation of Natal chart Specially in Transit and Solar return, just use search bar in 👉✍(◔◡◔)👉 Here To give you more Idea And here Some Guidline how to read your Solar Return SOLAR RETURN :
But for those who look for natal confirmation or comparison of the solar return to the natal chart, place the natal chart outside the wheel of the solar return. All sense of house placement is lost when the solar return goes outside the natal in a biwheel chart technique. This is a major loss, and it can cripple one's ability to interpret the solar return. There is a specific reason that the natal chart goes on the outside of a biwheel chart. As stated above, the solar return chart is meant to stand alone with much of its interpretation based on house placement.
✍(◔◡◔) : Just in case, you need accurate interpretation of Natal chart Specially in Transit and Solar return, just use search bar in 👉✍(◔◡◔)
👉 Here To give you more Idea And here Some Guidline how to read your Solar Return SOLAR RETURN :