SUN CONJUNCT the MOON in Your Solar Return Year

  The Sun conjunct the Moon in the solar return chart indicates compatibility between external and internal goals. 

There is an agreement between the conscious and unconscious regarding interaction with the world, especially when the two lights are in the same sign and house. The intellectual thought process values emotional input. Feelings have merit and contribute to decision-making. Emotions respond positively to a rational analysis of situations and insights into issues. 

The personality seems harmonious, unified, and singularly focused. The individual has the ability to integrate diverse needs on multiple levels. Common themes revolve around career (Sun) and home or family (Moon). These two areas of life can complement and enhance each other. 
Domestic responsibilities won’t disrupt the work schedule. Support at home increases professional productivity. Changes at home coincide with career moves. There is a common agenda that embraces success and emotional fulfillment. Unconscious needs are allowed to play out consciously in external events. 

The arena for this collaboration is shown by the house placement of the Sun and Moon, assuming they are both in the same house. When they are in the same house and conjunct, this can indicate a new beginning or fresh start in the area of experience related to that house placement. When the two light are conjunct, but in separate houses, integration will be less fluid, but still attainable.


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