What brought Couple Together to get Married, Synastry or Composite?

 Is Because of Zodiac Sign Compatibility? 

Conjuction, Trine and Sextile, Between the Chart?

What I found is that the COMPOSITE CHART Dominated in Importance of what brought Couple To get Married.

When it comes to marriage, both synastry and composite charts can be helpful in understanding what brought the couple together and what their relationship has the potential to be. However, the COMPOSITE CHART is often more informative in this regard, as it provides a more holistic view of the relationship.

Here are some specific ways in which synastry and composite charts can be used to understand marriage:

Synastry can be used to assess the following: 
  • The initial attraction between the couple 
  • The couple's shared values and interests 
  • The couple's communication style 
  • The couple's conflict resolution skills 
  • The couple's sexual compatibility.
Composite can be used to assess the following: 
  • The overall purpose and potential of the relationship 
  • The challenges that the couple may face 
  • The couple's shared goals and dreams 
  • Romantic and Sexual Attraction
  • Similarity of Interests and Temperament
  • Mutual Success and High Achievement
  • Problem Solving, Communication, and Mutual Understanding
  • Mutual Kindness, Friendliness, Pleasantness, and Peace
  • Aggressiveness, Competition, Power, Success, or Violence
  • Adventurousness, Surprises, Disturbances
  • Shared Creativity, Imagination, and Inspiration
Here is an example of how synastry and composite charts can be used.




(A) Astrosignature                        (B) Partner of Astrosignature 
    2.46 Points, B's Sun sqr A's Jupiter, Orb = 0°54' - Found in Synastry Chart
    1.36 Points, Jupiter sxt Pluto Found in composite chart, Orb = 1°35'
  TOTAL= 3.82 points times 16.090 is 61 points

Composite Chart Vs Synastry
Composite charts and synastry are two different approaches used in astrology to analyze and understand the dynamics of relationships, whether they are romantic, familial, or professional. Both methods involve comparing the birth charts of two individuals, but they focus on different aspects of the relationship. More info 

If interested in knowing how this compatibility profile is constructed. The astrological influences analyzed are as follows:

Category 1, Romantic and Sexual Attraction is based on aspects of Mars, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto to Venus between each other's charts and in the composite chart.

Category 2, Similarity of Interests and Temperament, is based on having a planet in the same zodiac sign or a similar aspect, such as both people having a major aspect between the same two planets.

Category 3, Mutual Success and High Achievement, is based on aspects of Jupiter to Sun, Mars, or Pluto, or Sun-Jupiter aspects between the charts or in the composite chart.

Category 4, Problem Solving, Communication, and Mutual Understanding, is based on aspects of any planet except Neptune to Mercury in each other's charts or in the composite chart.

Category 5, Mutual Kindness, Friendliness, Pleasantness, and Peace, is based on trines, sextile, noviles, binoviles, and quadnoviles of the Moon to Sun, Venus, or Jupiter, or of Sun to Venus between the two charts or in the composite chart.

Category 6, Aggressiveness, Competition, Power, Success, or Violence, is based on aspects of Mars to Sun, Uranus, and Pluto, or of Sun to Pluto between the two charts or in the composite chart.

Category 7, Adventurousness, Surprises, Disturbances, is based on aspects of Uranus to any planet between the charts or in the composite chart.

Category 8, Shared Creativity, Imagination, and Inspiration, is based on conjunctions, trines, sextiles, quintiles, and biquintiles of Neptune to any planet in the other person's chart or in the composite chart.


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