Transit of URANUS in 7th House of Marriage

If you're in a partnership of true equals, indepen-dence is already a vital part of the equation. That will come in handy as transiting Uranus enters your seventh house for a good, long stay that last for about 7 years. Uranus demands freedom above all else, and during this transit the vitality and happiness of your relation-ship depends on each of you having plenty of it. Obviously the relationship must come first, for both of you, but unless you honor and nurture your independence, making time for your individual friendships and interests, your partnership may come to feel like a Saturnian obstacle course rather than a nurturing vessel. FREE BIRTH CHART READING : By Reddit Community 👉 r/astrosignature or by email: 👉 it's your choice And get the answer you need 100% free within 24 hours .. And that's when transiting Uranus begins to look like a wrecking ball, leveling your marriage and your dearest friendship...