Transiting CHIRON Aspect in Natal VENUS

In Transit to Natal Aspect of Chiron Trine Aspect will last for about 1 month In Conjunction Aspect, This is a time for healing in relationships, During which you have the opportunity to build bridges and share your deepest nature with your loved ones. Previous emotional or physical pain may have hindered you fully sharing your thoughts and feelings. Now is the time for healing which paves the way for more fulfilment in your relationships. It may even be that you step back into the past and heal old relationships which you had previously thought irretrievable. It is also possible that you form a close relationship with a woman friend. However, it is likely that your primary partner will be the most significant person involved in this transit as you search for new and more meaningful ways of sharing your life in your relationships. There may be some pain involved in the healing process, but ultimately you benefit from showing compassion to both yoursel...