
Showing posts from February 26, 2023

Transiting MARS Aspect in Natal NORTH NODE

Transit to Natal of Mars In Square or Semisquare,  aspect last for about a Week Participation in active, exciting and possibly boisterous events.  Efforts to cooperate which may be stressful.  Group energies.  Associations which deal with conflict, or are experiencing conflict.  Stressful construction or recreation.

Transiting MARS Aspect in Natal MOON

Transit to Natal of Mars  In Semisquare Aspect 👉 Square  , ðŸ‘‰ Trine or Conjuction  , ðŸ‘‰ Quincunx  ðŸ‘‰ Opposition     "Frustration" could be the key word for this period of Mars Semisquare Aspect to Moon. You are full of energy and are ready for action, and yet no matter which way you turn your path seems to be blocked. With a little patience, you should eventually achieve your goals. TRANSITING MARS SQUARE NATAL MOON  In Square Aspect, 

The Moon and the Cycle of Change in Solar Return chart

  The solar return Moon   Seems to have two consistent themes throughout all of the houses.  First and most simply, the Moon is associated with change and fluctuation ac-cording to its house position.  Secondly, and probably more importantly, the Moon reflects the individual's emotional nature during the solar return year .  Feelings, temperament, and emotional needs can be assessed by the Moon's placement, sign, and aspects. 

Transiting PLUTO Aspect in Natal URANUS

Transit to natal Aspect in the Sky In Sextile Aspect, Last for about 1 and a half Month. For example ,In Orb Jul 1 , Already Jul 1 2033, Exact Jul 31, Leaving Sep 17.

Transiting PLUTO Conjunction Natal SATURN

Transit to Natal of Pluto Conjunction Natal Saturn, Transit Last for About A year. Life may seem onerous with too many problems piling up, too many expectations being placed on your shoulders, and battles with authority figures. 

Transiting PLUTO Aspect in Natal ASCENDANT

Transit to Natal of Pluto Trine Ascendant, Long Transit That Last for About a Year You are powerful in your personal relationships. 

URANUS Return in Transit to Natal

Transit to Natal of Uranus In Opposition Return,  This is one of the most important times in your life. 

How People May Behave During PISCES SEASON - February 19–March 20

Your Monthly Horoscope According to Changing of Zodiac Season  How People May Behave During Pisces season 2022 Is somewhat cool and calm. Sometimes nothing is going on, which makes everyone a bit lazy when we should be preparing for the spring equinox. People are easily overwhelmed throughout the month, so it’s a time when we should be making plans.   ✍(◔◡◔)  Keep this in mind as people are acting in the following ways: 

Solar Return chart MOON - PLUTO Aspect

   The Moon in aspect to Pluto in Solar return chart, implies an emotional makeup which is complicated by unconscious psychological influences. Emotions may be tainted or seasoned by events or complexes from the past, and you could be reliving a former happening in an immediate situation.  Feelings seem more volatile, intense, or even overwhelming. Reasoning can be based on emotional factors and simply defy logic.  Relationships are likely to be affected, and psychological influences will distort communications.  Loading… This may be a time when you are in close contact with someone who is not always rational, and you must deal with issues in an insightful way. 

For Full Report Option 

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