It is very common for financial arrangements to change during this Solar Return Year. If you live alone and are your sole financial support, the amount of money you earn could either increase or decrease. The same is true if you receive money from parents or other relatives. If you share resources with another person, either one of you can decide to quit your job or cut back on hours. Rarely, one may lose his or her job. A raise is also possible, but budget adjustments are most likely in either case. Debts are an issue, and you may endeavor to wipe out all debts. In instances where one person is the major spender, he or she should be asked to personally cover the bills. The debt situation may have grown out of control, in which case it could be time to cut up your credit cards. If you are in serious trouble, bankruptcy, foreclosure, and poor credit ratings might ensue. In actuality, though, the amount of money is generall...