
Showing posts from April 9, 2023

The House Placement of Your Jupiter Will Show Where You Meet Your Husband

Everyone has Jupiter located in a particular sign and house of their chart.  The house Jupiter is in  falls in are two different things.  While your Jupiter sign can reveal the qualities of your future husband, the house Jupiter is located in is believed to reveal the place you may meet him . Once you have found your Jupiter placement,  you can use it to determine not only how you might meet your husband but also the type of person he will be..

Transiting CHIRON Trine Natal MOON

In Transit to Natal Aspect in The Sky,  or in other word, The Current Transit of   CHIRON  in the Sky are Very  related to your Natal MOON in TRINE  aspect.  Trine Aspect will last for about 1 month Opportunities exist for healing past emotional wounds.  This may happen in dreams or daydreams, or through the appearance of a special teacher or healer.  You are particularly insightful and compassionate, and your loved ones find your wisdom comforting.

Transiting SATURN Aspect in Natal PLUTO

Transit to Natal Aspect of Saturn In Trine Aspect,  👉  In Sesquisquare ,  👉  Quincunx ,  👉  Opposition To Natal Pluto Last for About Half of the Month for example, Entering Jul 23, Exact Aug 1, Leaving Aug 10. This is a good time for creative work which reflects your deeply-felt needs. It can also be a time when you are insightful and appreciated for your wisdom.  You may advance in some areas of your life as you have the ability to approach your tasks with a mix of discipline and compromise. You are a powerful force to be reckoned with.

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