
Showing posts from May 7, 2023

Astrosignature for The month of ♋ CANCER Season

  The SUN in CANCER A.K.A Cancer Season June 20 to July 20 Your Monthly Horoscope According to Changing of Zodiac Season.  For This Solar Month of   ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛) 👉  CANCER SEASON  • have no fear  • be open to what’s to come 

VENUS SQUARE or OPPOSITE MARS in your Yearly Solar Return Chart

Venus square or opposite Mars in a solar return chart  Can indicate conflicts occurring in a significant personal relationship or business partnership. The area of contention is shown by the solar return house placement of Mars.  The relationship or benefit being com-promised is indicated by the house placement of Venus.  🔍 SEARCH YOUR 👉  PERSONAL ASTROSIGNATURE   For example, if Venus is in the first house, indicating the need for gentleness and time alone while Mars is in the 7th house of relationships indicating high energy and possible aggression, partners will have different needs and expectations during the S olar Return year. 

Transit to Natal of SATURN - MARS in Trine or Sextile Aspect

Transit to Natal of SATURN In Trine or Sextile  MARS Transit last for about 1 month

MERCURY Square or Opposite in URANUS in Your Yearly Solar Return

Mercury square or opposition Uranus in the solar return chart suggests disruption from others or external circumstances you cannot control.  The disruption may arise from new technology you do not understand and are not prepared for, or new concepts you propose that others do not support.  There may be a mental divergence in the way you think and the way others reason. 

Transit to Natal of CHIRON - JUPITER in Square or Semisquare Aspect

Transit to Natal of JUPITER In Square or Semisquare  CHIRON Transit last for about 1 in a half month You would like to explore new horizons in order to expand your knowledge and bring you to a closer alignment with your true purpose this square or Semisquare aspect. 

Solar Return chart MOON-MERCURY Aspect

Moon-Mercury aspects in Solar return chart, Emphasize the need for integration of unconscious feelings with conscious thoughts. If these two avenues for information and analysis are working together, they form a great combination. 🔍 SEARCH YOUR 👉  PERSONAL ASTROSIGNATURE   You can actively seek out more information about your feelings and motivations through discussions, joumaling, and meditation. 

Transiting MARS Aspect in Natal ASCENDANT

Transit to Natal of MARS  In Trine or Sextile  👉 In Square or Opposition  Natal ASCENDANT Trine Aspect last for about 3 days only Competition. 

The Sun and the Moon in the Same Solar Return House

Having the Sun and the Moon in the same Solar return house is like having all of your eggs in one basket.  The Sun is associated with conscious experience and symbolizes a need for external achievement and recognition. The Moon, on the other hand, is more closely associated with unconscious experience and the need for internal emotional fulfillment.  (  PLUTO RETURN CHART  ) - (  MARS RETURN CHART  ) - ( J UPITER - NATAL CHIRON  ) (  MARS - NATAL VENUS  ) - (  PLUTO - NATAL VENUS  ) - (  SATURN - NATAL SUN  )    - (っ^▿^)۶🍸🌟🍺٩(˘◡˘ ) 👉  THIS MONTH TRANSIT HOROSCOPE  )  Whenever they appear in the same house, there is a conscious and unconscious emphasis on the same area of life. 

Transiting NEPTUNE Aspect Natal MIDHEAVEN

Transit to Natal of Neptune In Semisquare Aspect 👉 Quincunx  To Natal MIDHEAVEN EXPECTED IMAGINATION AND CONFUSION : You want your life, in particular your career, to take a direction that reflects more of your true self,

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