MOON SQUARE or OPPOSITE SATURN in your Yearly Solar Return Chart

The Moon square or opposite Saturn in Solar Return chart can indicate emotional frustration and the need for internal control. You may feel that you cannot or should not express your emotions openly. If you do, others will not understand or use your feelings against you. You probably lack a good emotional support system this year. The square or opposition tends to indicate an obstructing or delaying external influence. Someone might stand in your way or object to your course of action making it harder for you The Moon conjunct to Saturn in Solar return chart is associated with emotional control or suppression. For some reason, you cannot or will not emote and share your feelings with others.. To move forward. If others are truly supportive, you might still have to go it alone. Though you may have your cheerleaders, there is no direct assistance. Loading… You need to have the necessary stamina to complete important projects despite any emotional stra...