
Showing posts from July 2, 2023

MERCURY Conjunct VENUS in your Yearly Solar Return Chart

When Mercury is conjunct Venus in the solar return chart, you have confidence in your decisions and intellectual capabilities.  You know you can succeed with your ideas and plans as they are both beneficial to you and to others.  Presentations are received positively, and you easily get any necessary approvals for your plans. You welcome assistance from others, but can also function independently.  MERCURY Conjunct VENUS in Solar Return is a wonderful time to be in school or to take a course since learning is likely to be an enjoyable experience.  In synastry, the conjunction between Mercury   have several effects. Let's Say  MERCURY ( You )   and  CHIRON ( Your Partner )  Conjunction Aspect in Synastry Chart, Can develop a warm and loving relationship, whether this be a love union, work association, student and teacher connection or friendship.  👉 Synastry , also known as the relationship astrology learn more... When Mercury is conju...

SUN SQUARE or OPPOSITE NEPTUNE In Yearly Solar Return Chart

  While the Sun is square or opposite Neptune in Solar Return , you may be growing more sensitive and evolved, but those around you may be becoming more evasive and secretive.  There is something unknown or uncertain at this time.  Because this Solar Return Sun-Neptune aspect is either a square or an opposition , external influences are a factor, and the dispositions of others are likely involved.  ( SUN Conjunt NEPTUNE ) - (  SUN Sextile, trine PLUTO  ) - (  SUN Squre PLUTO  ) - (  SUN Conjunct PLUTO Solar return  ) - (  CHIRON - SUN Transit  ) - (  SUN - SATURN Transit  ) - (  SUN - JUPITER  ) - (  SUN - MARS  ) 

Transiting URANUS Conjunct Natal NORTH NODE

Transit to Natal Aspect in the sky  Be prepared for the unpredictable.  New experiences abound, prompting a change of direction more in line with your true purpose in life.  In the past you may have felt like a fish out of water in your family, work or social environment.  Now life takes an unexpected turn and you discover where you truly belong. This could involve meeting new groups of people, an exciting new relationship, change of career or new interest. It could also involve metaphysics, science, environmental interests or technology.  This is a metaphysical time during Uranus Conjunct North node Transit which you have the opportunity to become more alive and open to life's excitement but it is also possible that you will take up activities that, although not obviously linked with your ultimate purpose, will stand you in good stead later in life.  Your own ideas of your true purpose at one stage in life may ultimately differ further down the track. It's...

SUN CONJUNCT NEPTUNE in Yearl Solar Return Chart

 The Sun conjunct Neptune In Solar return , indicates the native is growing more sensitive on a number of levels and this can have both positive and negative ramifications.  Sensitivity is meant to facilitate spiritual development, not confusion and escapism. 

PLUTO IN THE 12TH HOUSE of your yearly Solar Return Chart

The 12th house of Solar  return chart , Rules things that are hidden, behind-the-scenes, and/or not easily recognized.. When Pluto , the planet associated with unconscious and hidden forces, is in the 12th house , the interpretation is particularly subtle, but also especially important.  PLUTO IN  : ( |  1ST   | ) , ( |  2ND   | ) , ( |  3RD    | ) , ( |  4TH   | ) , ( |  5TH  | ) , ( |   6TH   | ) , ( |  7TH   | ) , ( |  8TH   | ) , ( |  9TH   | ) , ( |  10TH    | ) , ( |  11TH   | ) , ( |  12TH    | ) HOUSE What is happening behind-the-scenes may be more important to growth in consciousness than what is happening in the public environment .  Use this time for backroom negotiations if it is to your advantage not to be very public about what you are doing.  For example of PLUTO in 12th Solar Return,   You...

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