MERCURY Conjunct VENUS in your Yearly Solar Return Chart

When Mercury is conjunct Venus in the solar return chart, you have confidence in your decisions and intellectual capabilities. You know you can succeed with your ideas and plans as they are both beneficial to you and to others. Presentations are received positively, and you easily get any necessary approvals for your plans. You welcome assistance from others, but can also function independently. MERCURY Conjunct VENUS in Solar Return is a wonderful time to be in school or to take a course since learning is likely to be an enjoyable experience. In synastry, the conjunction between Mercury have several effects. Let's Say MERCURY ( You ) and CHIRON ( Your Partner ) Conjunction Aspect in Synastry Chart, Can develop a warm and loving relationship, whether this be a love union, work association, student and teacher connection or friendship. 👉 Synastry , also known as the relationship astrology learn more... When Mercury is conju...