Transiting PLUTO Aspect in Natal VENUS

- Transit to Natal of Pluto 👉 In Semisquare , 👉 In Sextile , Long Transit that last for A year In Square or Opposite Natal Venus, EXPECTED MAJOR LIFE THEME: Tension in relationship This is a time when tensions erupt in your relationship with your partner. No matter how hard you try, and usually it is very hard during this transit, the course of love just does not run smoothly. It may be that you are demanding a more honest and intense level of commitment, or it could be your partner who wants changes. Whatever the circumstances the sparks are flying, sometimes fueling a positive fire and others flaming old wounds. If you are not already in a relationship, you may attract an intense partner at this time. Loading… TRANSITING PLUTO In Semisquare Aspect, NATAL VENUS Relationships are the source of friction during this transit, as you are thwarted in your efforts to change. It could be that you are trying to change old patterns in the relat...