
Showing posts from July 23, 2023

MOON SEXTILE or TRINE MERCURY in your Yearly Solar Return

The Moon sextile or trine Mercury in the solar return indicates the integration of unconscious feelings with conscious thoughts.  When these two avenues for information and analysis are working together,they form a therapeutic and productive combination. You will be able to understand the total picture from your rational assessment supported by your emotions and combined with intuitive insights. The integrated psyche is a powerful tool for intellectual and creative endeavors. 

Transiting JUPITER Semisquare NORTH NODE

Relationships with other people are a source of frustration.  However, there is nothing specific that you can identify. It is more a sense that your relationships with individuals and groups of people are not quite all that they should be. Perhaps you feel that you are being held back by certain affiliations. 

SATURN IN 2ND HOUSE Of your yearly Solar Return

Saturn placed in the 2nd house of Solar return is generally not a sign of financial success and monetary abundance.    It usually means learning to live with less either because you have to or because you want to. Individuals have experienced this solar return differently. Some have experienced financial hardship because they have overspent in the past, but others have planned inadequately for the future and are now faced with a pending major expense. In either case,  The reality of the financial situation becomes very evident, and these individuals must suddenly take fiscal responsibility for their past and future actions and curb their material appetites. SATURN IN SYNASTRY CHART - is a complex planet that can bring both challenges and rewards to a relationship See for example,  Saturn ( Your Partner )  and the  Moon ( You )  Trine Aspect  Other individuals with this Saturn in 2nd House placement in their Solar return charts are not so hindere...

SUN SQUARE OR OPPOSITE SATURN in your Yearly Solar Return

   Sun square or opposite Saturn in the solar return chart implies that limitations and delays are frequently associated with external influences, and structures are more likely to be restrictive than supportive.  The root of any problem, issue, situation, or objection can lie elsewhere, not with your efforts. 

Astrological Transit of VENUS in 4th house of Home and Family

When Venus transits your fourth house,  You'll particularly love being at home. Buy beautiful gifts for your house, like new guest towels or a fantastic coffeemaker. Invite friends over to fill the place with affection and laughter. 

SUN CONJUNCT SATURN In your Yearly Solar Return

 When the Sun is conjunct Saturn in the solar return chart, matters can seem like they are at a stand-still.  Saturn is sometimes called the tripper of the zodiac who delays your progress until you get things right. 

URANUS IN 4TH HOUSE of your yearly Solar Return

Uranus in the 4th house of Solar return year, indicates that your domestic life is very unsettled and some disruptive change occurs in the home.  There are several reasons possible for this disruption. Individuals often move, (sometimes repeatedly), or try to move during the Solar Return year.  The actual move, if it occurs, may involve a major relocation. While Uranus in Synastry Chart , can be a very powerful and transformative energy. It can bring about sudden and unexpected changes in the relationship, both good and bad. See for Example,  JUPITER ( You )  and  URANUS ( Your Partner )   Trine  Aspect  Preparations for the sale of the old house and renovations in the new house can drag on for months. Those who do not choose to move during the Solar Return year may decide to rearrange the house or remodel part or all of the present residence.  Some build on an addition. In general, major renovations, (the kind where people switch the l...

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