
Showing posts from July 30, 2023

VENUS SEXTILE or TRINE URANUS in your Yearly Solar Return Chart

 Of all the Venus-Uranus combinations in Solar Return,  The sextile and trine are the easiest to handle and generally involve an upswing in relationship-ships and finances. You are more likely to be attracted to someone or something beneficial, and finances are more likely to improve. When Venus is senile or trine Uranus in the solar return chart, positive changes in relationships may occur.  While,  VENUS Trine   URANUS in 👉 Synastry or Composite Chart.  instant and vital magnetism type of attraction. which  VENUS ( You )  and  URANUS ( Your Partner )..  take one look at each other across a crowded room and feel the sparks. Learn more for Romance and Friendship

Transiting NORTH NODE in 12TH House of Secret

While the  North Node is transiting the twelfth house, the South Node  is in the sixth house . The temptation will be strong to escape into overwork, exercise, and other behaviors that, while healthy on the surface, can actually be counterproductive. The twelfth house beckons you to spend time with your inner self. Use the sixth house gift for organization to engineer a daily routine that has plenty of room for downtime. 

The Critical degree in Your 10th house of Career and Public image

 The 10th House is the House of career and Public image.  The critical degree which is called the Midheaven is also found there. That's why, for example, when we experience setbacks in our work, it feels like it's the end of the world for us.. "Now, for example, If Neptune is in the 10th house, is it Good or Badfor Career? Someone asked in the Reddit Community about their observations when Neptune is in the 10th House."

Solar Return chart MOON-JUPITER Aspect

Moon in aspect to Jupiter in solar return chart,  Suggests that your ability to express feelings within a significant relationship is important to your own emotional growth, and also to the growth of the relationship.  Jupiter symbolizes your ability to expand and the Moon symbolizes your feeling nature.  ( ||  MOON - MERCURY  || ) , ( ||   MOON - MARS  || ) , ( ||  MOON - VENUS   || ) , (   MOON - JUPITER  || ) , ( ||   MOON - SATURN   || ) , ( ||  MOON - URANUS   || ) , ( ||  MOON - NEPTUNE   || ) , ( ||   MOON - PLUTO  || )  Together in aspect, they emphasize the process of sharing emotions, having those emotions understood, and growing from the interchange.    For example, If you are involved in counseling, the exchange of feelings and in-formation is crucial to the therapeutic process.  If you are involved in a serious relationship, sharing your feelings is very important for the development of greater intimacy. Problems expressing your feelings or not reaching a level of understa

The Strange Case Study in reading Part Of Fortune

The Strange Case in reading Part Of Fortune on How They Are Very Related to your Zodiac Sign.  The Part of Fortune is an Arabic part in astrology, which is a sensitive point in a chart.. considered to be a marker of the native's physical body and health. The condition and placement of the ruling planet of the Part of Fortune.

MERCURY IN 8TH HOUSE Of your Yearly Solar Return

The phrase "acute awareness'' encapsulates the interpretation of  Mercury in the 8th house of the solar return.  Your mind is more insightful and reflective during this Solar Return year.  And there will be times when you will see more or know more than you were previously aware of. Knowledge of the unconscious mind grows quickly, leaving you overwhelmed by the change. You are more aware of nuances, motives, and psychological conflicts in yourself and others. Subtle shifts in power and power plays will be more obvious to you now.

MOON SEXTILE or TRINE VENUS in your Yearly Solar Return

The Moon sextile or trine Venus in Solar return suggests emotional security and domestic issues are tied to relationships and monetary considerations.  This can be a pleasant time for families, partners, and finances depending on the house placement of the Moon and Venus.   

Transit to Natal Of VENUS in Retrograde Status, A Case Study for Personal Horoscope

 Transit to Natal of Venus means  its Very Ralated to the Particular Individual or in other word Your Personal Horoscope using Transit to Natal Method. When we talk about transits, we are referring to the current positions of the planets in the sky and how they interact with the positions of the planets in an individual's birth chart. A transit occurs when a planet in the sky makes a significant aspect (such as a conjunction, trine, square, etc.) to a planet in the natal (birth) chart. Loading… In this Case, I'm talking about VENUS RETROGRADE and how it effect to each individual.

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