Solar return chart MERCURY - MARS Aspect

Mars-Mercury aspects in Solar return chart suggest an energetic and inquisitive thought process. This can be a time of great mental energy and an active search for knowledge. Your mind should be quick and alert, though not necessarily highly retentive. Ideas move through and either evolve quickly or dissipate altogether. Learning can be very exciting and self-perpetuating even if you study alone. The task is to follow up on creative insights with action, manifestation, and application. Use what you know. Given the aspects between Mercury and Mars, this may or may not be an easy process. 👉 SUN Conjunct MERCURY/MARS Midpoint in Birth Chart Reading 👉 MERCURY - MARS Synastry/Composite in SQUARE Aspect , A feisty relationship is the result of this combination of the planets Mercury ( You ) and Mars ( Your Partner ) Square Aspect.. Learn more.. What is great for the learning may not be so advantageous when malting decisions....