
Showing posts from August 20, 2023

Solar Return chart MARS-URANUS Aspect

Strong changes, usually self-initiated, are associated with Mars-Uranus aspects in Solar return chart.  Changes range from a constant stream of minor adjustments and disruptions to dramatic and sweeping transformations. When MARS-URANUS Aspect in Solar Return, Transitions can be beneficial or detrimental depending on individual differences and manifestation.  MARS ( You ) and URANUS ( Your Partner ) Opposition Aspect in Synastr y,  Sexual attraction plays a key role in this relationship.... Learn more.. MARS CONJUNCT URANUS , M ajor changes, usually self-initiated, These changes can be carefully orchestrated by the individual or be the result of impulsive reactions to stress... MARS SQUARE or OPPOSITE URANUS . Strong changes, whether self-initiated or initiated by others...  See for Example. . MARS SEXTILE or TRINE URANUS ,  It can be a creative year of beneficial change. Changes might occur all at once after months of preparation, or through numerous infrequent bursts... Preparing for

Transiting NORTH NODE in 7TH HOUSE of Relationship

While the North Node is transiting your 7th House , the South Node will be transiting your 1st House . 

MERCURY IN THE 10TH HOUSE of your yearly Solar Return Chart

Mercury in the 10th house of Solar Return  is associated with decisions that will channel the direction of your life over the next few years.  During the year , you will be asked to make choices that will affect your immediate and distant future. Decisions may be career-related and directly involve your present job or professional goals. You might decide to attend school or take a refresher course.   While Mercury in  👉 Synastry Chart,  shows how two people communicate and interact intellectually. For Example,  MERCURY - MERCURY Synastry in QUINCUNX Aspect On-the-job training and work-related travel are also a possibility. On the other hand, decisions might pertain to major life transitions without an emphasis on career.  Important decisions such as marriage, leaving home, or moving to another country can be indicated by Mercury in the 10th house of Solar Return . People who decide to change their lifestyles totally can have this placement.  Professionally, this can be a good time to

Transiting NORTH NODE in 6TH HOUSE of Health

The North Node transits the sixth house, the South Node is in the twelfth house. The North Node (also known as the True Node) and the 6th house both have specific meanings and influences. The North Node represents your karmic path, life lessons, and areas of growth in this lifetime. The 6th house is associated with health, daily routines, work, service, and practical matters. When the North Node transits through the 6th house , it can bring about significant shifts and opportunities for personal development in these areas.

Transiting NORTH NODE Aspecting to Natal VENUS

TRANSITING NORTH NODE TRINE OR SEXTILE, CONJUCTION NATAL VENUS Aspect last for about 1 month for example, Entering Jul 3 , Exact or Peak on Jul 21 , Leaving Aug 8 . Positive feelings shared with others.  Connections with females.  Artistic projects.  Beauty and fashion.  Polite behavior. TRANSITING NORTH NODE SEMISQUARE , OR OPPOSITION PROGRESSED VENUS

Transiting NORTH NODE in 11th HOUSE of Friendship

As the North Node transits the eleventh house, the South Node , representing the easy path, is in the 5TH house of individual self. expression. If you prefer doing things on your own, that's okay; you don't have to change who you are, and you don't have to work with groups the rest of your life. But explore them as a possibility now, instead of retreating into your solitary, creative cave. 

JUPITER IN THE 8TH HOUSE Of Your Yearly Solar Return

The 8th house of Solar return chart is commonly associated with the earnings of others while the 2nd house is more indicative of your own earning power.  Therefore, Jupiter in the 8th house of Solar return chart is primarily focuses on the money made available to you after someone else has al-ready earned it.  JUPITER IN  : ( |  1ST   | ) , ( |  2ND   | ) , ( |  3RD   | ) , ( |  4TH   | ) , ( |  5TH  | ) ,  ( |  6TH   | ) , (  7TH   | ) , (  8TH   | ) , (  |  9TH   | ) , ( |  10TH   | ) , ( |  11TH   | ) ,  ( |  12TH   | )   HOUSE SOLAR RETURN During the Solar return year , Your financial situation may improve specifically because you are now able to share resources with another person.  If you have already been sharing resources up to this point, the dollar amount of the shared funds is likely to increase. This placement commonly shows money coming to you through others, possibly in the form of a lump sum. For those who are interested in making a large purchase such as a home, combini

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