Solar Return chart MARS-URANUS Aspect

Strong changes, usually self-initiated, are associated with Mars-Uranus aspects in Solar return chart. Changes range from a constant stream of minor adjustments and disruptions to dramatic and sweeping transformations. When MARS-URANUS Aspect in Solar Return, Transitions can be beneficial or detrimental depending on individual differences and manifestation. MARS ( You ) and URANUS ( Your Partner ) Opposition Aspect in Synastr y, Sexual attraction plays a key role in this relationship.... Learn more.. MARS CONJUNCT URANUS , M ajor changes, usually self-initiated, These changes can be carefully orchestrated by the individual or be the result of impulsive reactions to stress... MARS SQUARE or OPPOSITE URANUS . Strong changes, whether self-initiated or initiated by others... See for Example. . MARS SEXTILE or TRINE URANUS , It can be a creative year of beneficial change. Changes might occur all at once after months of preparation, or through numerous infrequent...