Astrocartography Of Best place for your CAREER PATH
Suppose that you Find your true vocation/Career Path using Astrology Chart . By knowing that Your ideal occupation should favor the expression of your individuality (Sun) and your personality (Rising Sign) , satisfy your emotional needs (Moon) and permit the development of your intellect (Mercury) .. The next thing you need to find is the best geographic location for your career path. The Vocation and Career Astro Map Shows geographic areas where you are more likely to attract good employment and business opportunities into your life. Areas on the map that are tinted with a red color are the best areas for attracting good business situations. Yellow areas are also good, but not as powerful as the red areas. The orange-colored areas fall in between the red and yellow areas in intensity. A geographic area varies from light yellow (slight vocation and career emphasis) to deep red (strongest vocation and career emphasis). An area with no color...