MOON IN THE 11TH HOUSE In Solar Return Year

The Moon in the 11th house of Solar return chart suggests that you have a dream or goal you are working toward. This goal should be personally fulfilling and rewarding, when and if completed. Major tasks started during this year, generally involve personal commitment to a project, idea, or belief. You should be your own motivator, and many times you will be working alone. The goal need not necessarily be humanitarian or idealistic . Teenagers trying to pick a college or career can have this placement They gather the pertinent information and make choices according to their needs. You might have to work toward your goal despite much opposition and lack of assistance from family members. For example, a woman with the Moon in the 11th started her own cottage industry despite her husband's insecurity and messages of doom. MOON IN: ( | 1ST | ) , ( | 2ND | ) , ( | ...