SUN Sextile MIDHEAVEN in Yearly Solar Return Chart

This Solar year you are teetering on the edge of a major life change, the direction up to you.  

Set aside time to reassess your career goals, your marital status and your ambitions. You can achieve your goals if you steer a steady course, make the most of the opportunities and stay focused. If typically a stay-at-home type your friends and family are likely to notice a change in your behaviour. 

If you are already an ambitious type then you are likely to really enjoy your time in the sun this year. Promotions, demotions, job offers, proposals of marriage and other such life changing situations all hold the promise of adventures into challenging territories. 

This Solar year you are up for the challenge.

While this aspect is generally positive, it's essential to consider the signs involved and other aspects in the chart for a more nuanced interpretation. For example:

  • Signs: The signs in which the Sun and Midheaven are placed can provide additional clues about the specific nature of the year.
  • House Positions: The houses where the Sun and Midheaven are located can reveal areas of life where this harmonious energy will be most prominent.
  • Other Aspects: Other aspects involving the Sun and Midheaven, or other planets in the chart, can modify the overall energy.



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