CAREER PATH in Astro Numerology


Actually your Current location Dictate what the best Career path to Follow. for example if you live in SUN line ( Astromap ) folow the path of your Zodiac Sign. 

By analysing your Astromap. You can identify what Dominant Planet Affect you in your Current Location. This will tell what part of your natal chart are Active.This is also the Most Accurate way to Indicate what Career would be . πŸ‘‰ 

Also consider the NUMEROLOGY of your Career path

Your CAREER NUMBER shows your talents and gifts and what types of careers or vocations you are most suited for. (It is determined by adding together the digits for your birth date).

 For example, if you were born on October 25, 1990:  

1 + 0 + 2 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 27

2 + 7 = 9

You Career Number is ONE.

        You are suited for activities calling for creativity, originality, inventiveness, courage, and initiative. You are a pioneer and explorer. Avoid partnerships - you are a dominant individual who needs to be in charge.

        Careers and Vocations: Leader, executive, director, manager, foreman, head of a department, owner of your own business, inventor, originator and promoter of new methods or products, free-lancer, contractor, independent operator, self-made man or woman.

Your Destiny Number is TWO.

        Cooperation, working in conjunction with others, being in a supporting role as an assistant, right-hand man or the power behind the 
throne is your path in life.

        Your capacity to understand and relate to people is one of your greatest strengths. You are the peace-maker, making adjustments and 
concessions in order to ameliorate difficult situations. Tactful, diplomatic, and able to see both sides of an issue, you can be a skilled negotiator, counselor, or mediator. You don't relish dealing with controversy, however, and tend to avoid facing and dealing with really thorny 
problems. If you try to please and pacify others all the time, you may end up being a doormat.

        Closeness and companionship are absolutely essential for you. You need to be wanted, needed, and a part of things. Being half of a close couple appeals to you very much, and you tend to center your life around your partner. You are not a soloist. The song you sing in Life's 
Symphony is a duet!

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Your Destiny Number is THREE.

        Bringing beauty, color, happiness, and pleasure into the lives of others is your path in life. You possess a natural sense of harmonious 
rhythm which enables you to express yourself freely and fluently.

        Musical, artistic, or gifted with the spoken or written word, you should develop and refine your inherent creativity.

        Your sense of humor, cheerfulness, congeniality, and ability to make friends wherever you go are also wonderful assets which will aid you in whatever field you choose. Your friends, and even people who don't know you but who respond to your warmth and enthusiasm, are always ready to help you, and you find that life seems to be on your side, opportunities and benefits flow your way. Since you attract so much so easily, you may become averse to real effort and hard work, but you need to develop discipline and focus if your creative potentials are to blossom fully. Your love of romance, play, and pleasure are both advantages and disadvantages. It's great to know how to play and enjoy life, but try not to fritter away all your time.

Your Career Number is FIVE.

        You have a lively, curious, eager mind and are vitally interested in learning, experimenting, moving with the times, experiencing all you can. A stable, predictable environment that offers much the way of security but little in the way of variety, mental stimulation, movement, or change is not your cup of tea. You seem unstable or unreliable, flitting from job to job or relationship to relationship, for once the challenge and the potential to learn something new is gone, you are impatient to move on. New ideas, new places and faces and unexplored territory beckons you. You may be an insatiable reader or traveler. Freedom, adventure, and change are your lifeblood.

        You are an eloquent communicator, quick-witted, articulate, and fluent both orally and with the written word. Your sharp mind and mastery of language combine to make you an effective and entertaining speaker, salesperson, or teacher. Your path lies in introducing new concepts and innovations, sparking discussion and controversy, and promoting change and progress.

        You are suited to activities requiring clear thinking, verbal facility, mastery of language, the ability to articulate ideas, curiosity, flexibility, 
the ability to promote or sell and work with the public, especially the opposite sex. You are most successful in work that is varied, stimulating 
and exposes you to many different ideas and people.

        Careers and Vocations: Writer, translator, editor, journalist, photo-journalist, broadcaster, travel agent, personnel director, teacher, entertainer, investigative reporter, media expert, any work involving television, radio, or cinema, publisher, promoter, salesperson in any field (especially sports goods, cruises and tours, health, advertising, books or magazines, automobiles), aviator, trouble shooter

Your Career Number is SIX.

        You are suited to activities that call for harmonizing, adjusting, giving advice or counseling, helping people, serving, nurturing, the 
cultivation of beauty, a sense of harmony, artistic creativity.

        Careers and Vocations: Homemaking, kindergarten or elementary school teacher, guidance counselor, doctor, nurse, marriage and family counselor, volunteer work, community service, director of boy scouts or girl scouts, governess, professional hostess, interior decorating, artist, craftsperson, instructor, social worker, social services director, waiter, waitress, singer, musician, promoter of the arts and social welfare, manager of restaurant or cafe.

Your Career Number is SEVEN.

Your destiny requires you to be a seeker of deeper truths and to separate yourself in some way from everyday, mundane concerns so that you may concentrate on understanding the underlying causes and deeper meanings, the hidden side of life. Studious, introspective, analytical, and deep, you are drawn to the study of psychology, philosophy, religion and metaphysics, or to scientific investigation. You are 
thoughtful, intuitive, and insightful, and have much to offer people who ask serious questions and are seeking wisdom, but you have no taste for superficial interactions and light sociability. Sensitive, discriminating, and something of a perfectionist, you choose carefully who you associate 
with and how you spend your time. Periods of solitude for quiet reflection, meditation, or study are very necessary for you. You are also inclined to be gloomy at times and find retreating to nature, especially to the ocean, will restore your spirits.
   You are suited for activities calling for serious study and research, investigation, specialization, precision, high standards, perfectionism, intuitive as well as rational intelligence, imagination. A cloistered or ivory-tower existence appeals to you. You want to be left in peace and not have to deal with the mundane business of life.

        Careers and Vocations: Psychoanalyst, psychiatrist, surgeon, scientific authority, scientific researcher, archeologist, historian, authority on antiques, any work connected to the sea including marine biologist, deep sea explorer or sailor, metaphysician, astrologer, investigator of esoteric subjects, clergyman, theologian, authority on etiquette, form, or religious ceremony, investment counselor, detective, judge.

Your Career Number is EIGHT.

        You are suited for activities requiring drive, ambition, organizational talents, administrative and executive ability, business acumen, clear judgement, and very high potential for financial growth and expansion.

        Careers and Vocations: Any work involving finance, commerce, big business, large corporations. Top executive positions, corporate lawyer, banker, investment broker, political or financial advisor, business analyst, purchasing agent, athlete, civil engineer, urban planner, politician, government official, manager of chain store, manufacturer, school or college head.

Your Career Number is NINE.

Your concerns are broad, your sympathy is all-embracing, and your path lies in LIVING your ideals of universal brotherhood through compassionate service.

        Tender-hearted and generous, you are easily swayed by emotion and by people in need. You need to learn discrimination, who you can really help and who will only drain you. Your interests are so wide, it may be difficult for you to focus and concentrate your attention on 
developing a single one. Try to discover where your talents lie (as shown by the other numbers in your name and birth date) and develop them as fully as you can, for the benefit of all.

        Working as a counselor, teacher, minister, in public or civic work, or in any area that involves making bridges between people and bringing them together would be appropriate for you. Music or the arts also suits you.

        Much of the work you do will be subtle, inner, and spiritual: encouraging people to love, accept, and forgive themselves, bringing hope and being an ambassador of good will wherever you go.

You are suited for activities which benefit people in need or which bring people with diverse backgrounds and perspectives together: philanthropic or altruistic work, selfless service, social welfare, the arts.

        Careers and Vocations: Ministry, public service, doctor, nurse, or other helping professional, veterinarian, educator, artist, musician, counselor, foreign service, ambassador, any work involving long-range communications, publishing, broadcasting.

Your Career Number is ELEVEN.

        You are suited for activities requiring clarity, decisiveness, leadership abilities, inventiveness, creative inspiration, intuitive insight, and 

        Careers and Vocations: Scientist, inventor, inspirational writer, lecturer, teacher, political activist, reformer, psychic, astrologer, philosopher, abstract thinker, artist, musician, iconoclast and innovator in any field, electronics, computer technology, psychic sciences.


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