Transiting NORTH NODE Aspecting to Natal NEPTUNE

In Transit to Natal Aspect in The Sky, or in other word, The Current Transit of NORTH NODE in the Sky are Very related to your Natal URANUS in Square, Semisquare, Sextile, Aspect The North Node represents your soul's purpose and direction in this lifetime. When it aspects Neptune, it suggests a time for connecting with your intuition, compassion, and creativity. The specific nature of the transit will depend on the aspect it forms with your natal Neptune. A Square aspect ( last for about a Month ) Contacts with those who see illusions. Unrealistic expectations in relationships. Disappointments and disillusionment. A Sextile Aspect Spiritual or artistic themes in relationships. Sharing ideal settings and conditions. Positive expectations. Good feelings. Additional factors to consider: The specific house placements of your North Node and Neptune. Any other transits happening at the same time. Your personal li...