
Showing posts from March 3, 2024


When the solar return Ascendant is in Libra,  cooperating with others and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships result in a rewarding lifestyle. You prosper through associations, whether personal, romantic, or professional. You love exchanging ideas, and gravitate toward intense discussions in which you can argue either side.  However, you alienate others when you argue incessantly, and make war, not peace. Learn to walk that fine line between competing with others and appeasing them. Balance in all things is the key to happiness.  ARIES ASCENDANT  in your yearly Solar return Chart When the solar return Ascendant is in Aries, you have a pioneering spirit that encourages creativity and originality..  👉   Learn More about Aries TAURUS ASCENDANT  in the SOLAR RETURN When the solar return Ascendant is in Taurus, stability and harmony are the keys to success..  👉  Learn More about Taurus GEMINI ASCENDANT  in the  SOLAR RET...

SATURN IN 3RD HOUSE in Yearly Solar Return

 Saturn in the 3rd house of Solar return chart indicates a year of much study or mental work.  You take your studies seriously, and knowledge is probably crucial to what you hope to accomplish in the future. This is an excellent time to concentrate on difficult mental tasks or complex topics of interest. You can be involved in a major project or course requiring concentration, persistence, organization, and many hours of work. Typical commitments include taking a course,  organizing community projects, formulating new ways of thinking for yourself and others, writing a book or paper, studying for qualifying examinations, or consulting with others on a regular basis in order to gather new information and insights.   You may finish your endeavor during the Solar Return year,  But if  Saturn falls in the 1st house  of the solar return chart next birthday, (which is most likely to happen), your work will probably require another year’s effort.  S...

How the Taurus manipulates other Zodiac Sign

 Persons born under the sign of Taurus are generally extremely pragmatic and down-to-earth, and do not readily lose their composure.  Their virtues do not include an exaggerated ambition -but they are able to enjoy life in all its aspects. What motivates them are aspects such as material possessions, image and reputation, social and financial security as well as the creation of a secure basis of life. These aspects also characterise the 2nd House , which Taurus precedes .  Tauruses are characterised by their good disposition.Although not prone to quick reactions, once they have decided to act, then their reactions are vehement and irrevocable.  Their strong points are endurance and resilience, although they are all too easily seduced by pleasure and cosiness. Taurus individuals are often characterized as practical, patient, and persistent. When it comes to relationships, they may employ certain strategies to get what they want or to influence others. Here are some w...


  Mars square or opposite Neptune  —  Ruler of Pisces,    in Solar Return,  Indicates your actions may or may not mesh with the circumstances at hand or be understandable by others.  There can be a disconnect.  Quite possibly, your motivation is not only unclear to others, but perhaps even to you yourself.  This leads to a great deal of uncertainty or confusion as to direction, goal, timing, and the possibility of success. Actions may entail an act of faith or be totally aimless. For those who are spiritually minded, this can be a test of trust. You know deep down that you are to proceed, but cannot explain your motivation. The prompting comes from an esoteric, poorly defined source. It is left up to you to keep moving putting one foot in front of the other without any guarantee that your efforts will succeed. Careful planning during this time is not feasible.  You must ad-lib your way to success as you go along. You may be a believer, b...

MOON CONJUNCT MARS in Solar Return Chart

The Moon conjunct Mars in the solar return suggests contradictory agendas.  The Moon symbolizes our nurturing qualities, emotional connections, and feelings. Mars, on the other hand, symbolizes our self-interest, independence, and assertiveness; (  MARS - NATAL SUN  ) - (  PLUTO RETURN CHART  ) - (  MARS RETURN CHART  )( J UPITER - NATAL CHIRON  ) (  MARS - NATAL VENUS  ) - (  PLUTO - NATAL VENUS  )   - (っ^▿^)۶🍸🌟🍺٩(˘◡˘ ) 👉  THIS MONTH TRANSIT HOROSCOPE  )  The basic interpretations for these two planets are so different they tend to remain separate like oil and water. They represent two sides of the coin or different perspectives on one situation.  Moon conjunct Mars in Solar Return   Suggests that emotional situations are not simple and usually involve a strange combination of contradictory emotions. You could gravitate toward situations that are not emotionally healthy or act in a way th...

VENUS CONJUNCT JUPITER in your Yearly Solar Return Chart

When Venus and Jupiter are conjunct in the same house in the solar return,  You can expect benefits and ease according to that house placement. Although you might think that because Jupiter has a twelve-year cycle, you will experience the Venus-Jupiter conjunction once every twelve years, this is not so. 

Solar Return Chart MARS-NEPTUNE Aspect

While Mars-Pluto aspects in Solar return chart imply actions that are unconsciously motivated, Mars -  Neptune  —  Ruler of Pisces,  aspects in Solar return, indicate actions which have no obvious motivation at all,  Or which involve a great deal of uncertainty or confusion as to direction, goal, timing, and the possibility of success.  Frequently, you must proceed putting one foot in front of the other without any guarantees given for your efforts. Careful planning is not always feasible.  Job security may be an issue if Neptune is associated with the 2nd, 6th, or 10th houses.  MARS IN  :   ( |  1ST  ) , ( |  2ND   | ) , ( |  3RD   | ) , ( |  4TH   | ) , (  5TH   | ) , ( |  6TH   | )   7TH   | ) , ( |  8TH   | ) , ( |  9TH   | ) , ( |  10TH   | ) , ( |  11TH  | ) ,  ( |  12TH ...

Transit of PLUTO in 8th House of Other people's money

This can be an important transit for making peace with the interdependent nature of life, love, and relationships.  The long-term transit that last for about 12 years. It is the house of inheritance. And I do know one woman who came into a sizable inheritance during this transit, including a home that needed a complete transformation. But the inheritance came from her father, and their relationship had been acrimonious and painful. Remaking the house has been a kind of healing exercise.  Where Pluto  transits, he may bring wealth and power …  In the house of other people’s resources, we may see the lottery winner who loses his friends and becomes estranged from all that has been familiar to him; a man who inherits a great fortune when his partner dies of AIDS; a woman who receives a huge insurance settlement because she was profoundly injured while doing her job. As the old saying goes, be careful what you wish for. What you want is not necessarily what will make you...

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