SATURN IN THE 12TH HOUSE in Yearly Solar Return Chart

Saturn in the 12th house of Solar Return Chart implies the presence of unconscious blockages which must be overcome. Failure to overcome these inhibitions will lead to limitations in what would usually be considered normal activity. The emotions governing these limitations are fear and guilt, and breaking free generally involves much anxiety. You must face your own fears before you can goon with the maturation process , since presently they prevent you from branching out and taking risks when you should develop greater freedom of movement. Frequent fear issues include, but are not limited to: fears of not being loved or being rejected; fears of inadequacy with a constant need for reassurance; fears concerning sexual performance or orientation; and fears of losing control or being overpowered. Many times the fear-producing issue is ill-defined and ill-founded, but supported by self-defeating attitudes, free-floating anxiety, and heightened vulnerability. For these...