SUN in the 10TH HOUSE of Solar return - With Case Study

If you want a strong career year, this is it. The Sun in the 10th house places a strong emphasis on all career endeavors . .. See Case study for Sun in 10th house This is a good time to push for advancement and work toward greater career fulfillment. You are more likely to make major career decisions or be recognized for professional achievements at this time. You are also more likely to be reprimanded for professional misconduct. The reputation you have developed in the past catches up with you, and it can be good or bad depending on what you have or have not accomplished and your methods along the way. If you have positive feelings about your job and have worked hard all along, push for advancement. If you have negative feelings about your job, do not let them threaten professional goals. You are better off changing jobs or starting your own business than staying in a job you hate. If you choose to remain in a difficult situation, you will find work too taxing, phys...