Transiting SATURN Sesquisquare or Semisquare Natal MIDHEAVEN

Your profession and status can be the focus of much frustration during this time. Perhaps you are waiting for some news of a job change or promotion which entails greater responsibility but which continually seems to be delayed. On the other hand it could be that you feel restrained in a career which is no longer fulfilling. You may also be at the stage of having to perfect the final details of a work project. This can be frustrating, but ultimately rewarding. Whatever the circumstances you would do well to try to find some new solutions. Persistence will pay off and you will achieve the results that you want. You can find accurate interpretation of your chart , Just Search here 👉 Understanding the Aspects: Midheaven (MC): The Midheaven in astrology signifies your career, public image, reputation, and ambitions. Saturn is often referred to as the "taskmaster" planet. It represents responsibility, disciplin...