Trasiting NEPTUNE Sesquisquare Natal NORTH NODE - ( Transit and Progress chart )

If this aspect is showing up in your transit chart, or in other word, The Current Transit of NEPTUNE as you look up in the Sky are Allign to your NORTH NODE . This influence is temporary, lasting for about 3 months, It's a time to be discerning, avoid escapism, and use your intuition to navigate any confusion about your path.. You are likely to meet new people, who are able to help you achieve your personal goals. It is also likely that you come into contact with new groups of people, particularly spiritual or artistic groups. The only frustration is that you have to wait for past associations to be finalised before you can make the most of your new relationships and opportunities. You can find accurate interpretation of your chart , Just Search here . 👉 If this Aspect show in your Progress chart . The Secondary progressions track the movement of your natal planets at a slower pace 1 ...