
Showing posts from April 21, 2024

MARS CONJUNCT SATURN in Yearly Solar Return Chart

Mars conjunct Saturn in the solar return chart  Implies a need for well-planned activity which is strongly based on a realistic assessment of the situation. If you are involved in a major project, personality characteristics such as discipline, perseverance, patience, and organizational ability will be needed for the hard work ahead.  This is a good time To work toward completing long-term difficult goals, especially if you willing to put in the necessary time, energy, and resources to succeed.  In the end, you are able to accomplish according to your strengths, experience, and acquired skills, but be in it for the long haul. Matters tend to be drawn out and will take time.  Those who are able to work within structures and institutions can be highly productive. Your future plans are a direct extension of past events, issues, and experience. Nothing is given, and everything must be earned.  That's the good news! The bad news is that unless your project is innately difficult and all-

Transiting CHIRON Square ASCENDANT - Transit to Natal

- Transit to Natal Aspect in the Sky  If this Square transit happens early in your life then it is likely to be associated with a time of sensitivity and childhood hurts.  Later in life you are faced with a time of pain and healing.  On the one hand you may experience a painful situation which triggers memories of childhood wounds. This may even be a physical wound or illness. On the other you may have the chance to heal a painful situation which has haunted you for some time. Forgiveness, either of yourself or other's actions, may feature strongly during this time.   Whatever the circumstances, this is a time when you come to a greater understanding of yourself, which in itself is a very healing experience.  Denying your quirky side and subduing your wisdom so that you can fit in or hold on to the past is not going to serve you now. You may be called to acknowledge your wounds and past traumas but feel reluctant to do so.  At this time you'll find yourself continuing to brush

Transiting CHIRON Semisquare Natal ASCENDANT - ( Transit and Progress chart )

If this aspect is showing up in your transit chart,  or in other word, The Current Transit of  CHIRON  as you look up  in the Sky are Allign to your  ASCENDANT  In Semisquare Aspect. Transit last for about 17 day only , It's a time to acknowledge your vulnerabilities, begin the healing process, and embrace your authentic self. Your attempts to express your true self are thwarted, perhaps through your own lack of understanding or through circumstances. Obstacles seem insurmountable. You are likely to lack energy, and may even suffer from a physical illness.  Understanding the Aspects: Chiron: The "wounded healer" asteroid, representing deep-seated wounds, vulnerabilities, and the potential for healing and growth.  Ascendant (AC): Your first impression, personality, self-image, and how you project yourself to the world.  Semisquare (45°): A less potent version of the square, but it still creates friction and a sense of unease. It can indicate feeling stuck or unsure of h

MOON IN THE 8TH HOUSE In Yearl Solar Return Chart

The 8th house is the house of acute awareness of emotional forces and psychological powers.     Nearly all of this awareness will result from a newfound ability to spontaneously perceive information on these subtle levels rather than from a rational analysis of any situation.  It is the intense awareness of unconscious emotional and psycho-logical issues that forces conscious insight into human behavior. These realizations can be upset-ting, and you may end up seeing or knowing more than you care to see or know. .  Mute awareness is also associated with the  Sun in the solar return 8th house , but with the Moon here you are more apt to be emotionally involved with the people and issues concerned.  MOON  IN:  (  | 1ST  |  ) , (  |  2ND  |  ) , (  |  3RD  |  ) ,  (  |  4TH  |  ) ,  (  | 5TH  |  ) , (  | 6TH  |  ) , (  | 7TH  |  ) , (  | 8TH  |  ) , (  | 9TH  |  ) , (  | 10TH  |  ) , (  |  11TH |  ) , ( |  12TH   | )  HOUSE  SOLAR RETURN You can find  accurate interpretation of your chart

Transiting URANUS Quincunx Natal ASCENDANT - ( Transit and Progress chart )

If this aspect is showing up in your transit chart,  or in other word, The Current Transit of   URANUS  as you look up  in the Sky are Allign to your ASCENDANT  In Quincunx Aspect. Transit last for about 2 weeks only, It's a time to be open to self-exploration, embrace your individuality, and integrate new aspects of yourself into your self-image. You are making changes within yourself and this is affecting how others see you. It could be that you are saying goodbye to unusual friends or groups because of these changes. Your most intimate relationships may also be adjusting. If this Aspect show in your Progress chart . The Secondary progressions  track the movement of your natal planets at a slower pace 1 day is equal to 1 year, reflecting long-term developments in your life. It highlights the need to break free from limitations and societal expectations to cultivate a more authentic and unique self-expression.  During URANUS Quincunx Natal ASCENDANT progression, you may feel compe

Solar Return chart URANUS - VENUS Aspect

Uranus-Venus  aspects in the your Solar return chart usually denote changes in relationships.  For some people, this can mean a sudden attraction and the excitement of a new love.  Involvements may be very strong, very quick, and may or may not have staying power.  New relationships might eventually lead to marriage, but probably not during this solar return year.  Uranus-Venus   aspects in the your  Solar return chart,    Loose associations are common.  Friends become lovers, and some love relationships seem more like friendships. Occasionally, relation-ships and attractions are less than conventional.  Affairs with married individuals, homosexual or bisexual partners, and long-distance romances are possible. A general mood of disruption may permeate all partnerships, whether old or new.  Difficult relationships may end or become on-again, off-again involvements, but for those in a healthy relationship, changes will occur within the relationship itself and do not indicate a break in

JUPITER IN 12TH HOUSE in Yearly Solar Return Chart

 Jupiter in the 12th house of Solar Return indicates the possibility of an overwhelming influence.  Many times it is the emotional nature which appears to overwhelm the individual, especially if he or she is already dealing with a difficult situation, but any area of life can be difficult to control.  The natal house which falls in the 12th house of the solar return chart may give you a clue.  JUPITER IN  : ( |  1ST   | ) , ( |  2ND   | ) , ( |  3RD   | ) , ( |  4TH   | ) , ( |  5TH  | ) ,  ( |  6TH   | ) , (  7TH   | ) , (  8TH   | ) , (  |  9TH   | ) , ( |  10TH   | ) , ( |  11TH   | ) ,  ( |  12TH   | )   HOUSE  SOLAR RETURN It sometimes occurs that one activity, person, or theme overshadows all other self-expression and sets the tone for the year.  The 12th house rules the unconscious, and perhaps Jupiter, the planet of growth, in this placement implies that the unconscious nature can grow out of proportion to the rest of the psyche.  In some instances, this might be a beneficial

JUPITER IN THE 7TH HOUSE in Yearly Solar Return

The best phrase to describe Jupiter in the 7th house    is, "Ask and you shall receive.  "Others naturally come to your aid, giving more assistance and support than you expected, or even thought you needed.  If you are in a difficult situation, others readily offer to help. This can occur without asking, but the possibilities become even stronger if you not only recognize and foster the help available to you, but also ask specifically for what you need. Somebody may be in the perfect position to actualize your goals, and partnerships of this nature enable you to accomplish together what you would not have attempted alone.  Help may be either tangible or intangible.  Under the best possible circumstances, you benefit directly or indirectly from others in more ways than one.   For example, if you are married, you benefit through your spouse since what he or she receives trickles down to you.  Individuals offer their insight into your problems or situation, and you progress thro

Transiting URANUS Quincunx natal NORTH NODE - ( Transit and Progress chart )

If this aspect is showing up in your transit chart,  or in other word, The Current Transit of  URANUS  as you look up  in the Sky are Allign to your  NORTH NODE IN Quincunx Aspect. Transit last for More than 1 month, signifies a period of potential disruption and a nudge towards change as you navigate your path in life according to your North Node (destiny). It's time to make changes and adjustments in your life to accommodate opportunities for growth and change. This could mean leaving behind people or things which have been important in the past, but these are replaced by new and important events and groups of people which will come to mean just as much to you. Also Note that The aspects Uranus and your North Node form with other planets in the chart can influence how this energy manifests and the potential outcomes. A quincunx aspect (also known as inconjunct) creates a sense of unease or tension. It suggests that the energies of Uranus and the North Node are not easily reconcil

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