
Showing posts from April 28, 2024


The Moon square or opposite Venus in the solar return chart can suggest a conflict between emotional fulfillment and financial security.  Your monetary situation can be affected negatively by the lack of integration and compromise.  For example, you might wish to retire, but you still have college tuition to pay for your youngest child or debts to clear.You might be involved in a new and exciting relationship, but your partner does not handle money in a responsible manner, and you are hesitant to commingle funds.  Problems can be major or minor depending on your situation.  Basically, your financial or relationship situation denoted by the house placement of Venus does not meet the emotional and domestic needs seen by the house placement of the Moon.  The reverse is also true. The emotional, domestic, and familial needs seen through the house placement of the Moon are not financially feasible or supported by the house placement of Venus.  For example, Venu...

Transiting JUPITER Trine Natal ASCENDANT - ( Transit and Progress chart )

If this aspect is showing up in your TRANSIT CHART ,  or in other word, The Current Transit of   JUPITER  as you look up  in the Sky are Allign to your  ASCENDANT  In  Trine  Aspect.  Transit last for about 15 days only, It's a time to leverage the positive energy for growth, embrace opportunities, and project your confidence.. This is a good time for bountiful relationships. You are confident, warm and fun-loving and this rubs off on all those around you. For this reason you will find that your social life and relationships in general benefit, and opportunities to meet new people and travel may abound. Transiting JUPITER Sextile natal ASCENDANT  - ( Transit and Progress chart ) Transiting JUPITER Conjunct Natal ASCENDANT - Transit to Natal Transiting JUPITER Square  Natal ASCENDANT - ( Transit and Progress chart ) Transiting JUPITER Sesquisquare Natal ASCENDANT  - ( Transit and Progress chart ) Transiting JUPITE...

URANUS IN THE 9TH HOUSE in yearly Solar Return Chart

Uranus in the 9th house  of Solar Return is a sign of radical changes in beliefs,  Either because you recognize discrepancies in your own thoughts or because you are directly challenged by others and situations you are involved in.. You may have recently received new information which specifically contradicts your former beliefs, malding them obsolete.  Sometimes there is a rude awakening followed by a sharp transition; at other times, a slow transition may result from a constant series of small challenges.  You can no longer depend on old axioms.  Mundane as well as religious, spiritual, and philosophical beliefs are now in a state of evolution or turmoil.  The 9th house of Solar return chart is not only the house of all higher thoughts, but also the house of beliefs about yourself, your abilities and other people.  URANUS IN : ( |  1ST  | ) , ( |  2ND  | ) , ( | 3RD  | ) , ( |  4TH  | ) , ( |  5TH  | ) , ...


While Pluto is in the 7th house, of Solar return chart issues concerning relationships become complex interactions which must be analyzed to be fully understood.  Awareness is being raised to a new level of under-standing, and there is no book or course you can take which will give you the information you need for this passage. Knowledge springs from the inner reaches of the mind and is fueled by the compulsions and frustrations realized in both intimate and nonintimate relationships. We must make a distinction here between two different relationship processes, and three different levels at which you may choose to work.  The two different processes are love and hate, and the three different levels of interaction include nonintimate relationships, intimate partnerships, and soul-level attractions. (All three will be defined and explained.) It makes a difference whether you choose to learn through lessons of love or hate.  Certainly the information gleaned will be different...

Transiting JUPITER Sesquisquare Natal ASCENDANT - ( Transit and Progress chart )

If this aspect is showing up in your TRANSIT CHART ,  or in other word, The Current Transit of   JUPITER  as you look up  in the Sky are Allign to your  ASCENDANT  In Sesquisquare Aspect. Transit last for about 9 days only, It's a time to manage your ego, prioritize tasks, and find a balance between expansion and self-awareness.

JUPITER IN THE 10TH HOUSE in Yearly Solar Return

Jupiter in the 10th house of Solar return chart implies an easy flow of opportunity and advancement in the career arena. The harder the person has worked for this success in the past, the greater the opportunity for advancement now.  Those who have done little to foster their own success might still advance, but if so, they are more likely to be at the beginning of a professional climb and will not be able to go as far as those who are better prepared. Regardless of your position, A chance for advancement can materialize without a lot of work on your part Opportunities may specifically relate to a new field of interest, and moving into a new career arena can be so easy that one only realizes the transition in hindsight.  This is a time when most career maneuvers can be accomplished easily. Sometimes little or no effort is needed to acquire a new job.  You can be at the right place at the right time. You can also be released from a difficult employment situation of the pas...

VENUS Square or Opposite in SATURN in Solar Return Year

Venus square or opposite Saturn in the solar return is associated with limits and inhibitions in regard to both relationships and finances.   The house placement of Saturn denotes where restrictions arise.  SATURN  IN :  ( | 1ST   | ) , (   2ND   | ) , (  3RD   | ) , (  4TH   | ) , (  | 5TH  | ) ( |  6TH  | ) , ( |  7TH   | ) , ( |  8TH   | ) , ( |  9TH   | ) , ( |  10TH   | ) , (  11TH  | ) , (  12TH  | )   HOUSE Saturn rules structures and definitions which can support and stabilize an already strong relationship, but stressed or weakened relationships will be under a lot of pressure and may not survive.  If you are already in a good relationship, you need not worry, however, you will be dealing with some challenges this Solar Return Year. There are times of stress in every relationship and Sa...

Transiting JUPITER Quincunx Natal ASCENDANT - ( Transit and Progress chart )

If this aspect is showing up in your TRANSIT CHART ,  or in other word, The Current Transit of  JUPITER  as you look up  in the Sky are Allign to your  ASCENDANT  In QUNCUNX Aspect. Transit last for about 10 Days only, It's a time to be mindful of your self-presentation, find a balance between confidence and humility, and leverage opportunities for growth.

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