Solar Return chart VENUS - NEPTUNE Aspect

If you are already involved in a stable emotional relationship, Neptune-Venus — , aspects in solar return chart may be more relevant to financial concerns than romantic interests. Financial circumstances will exhibit a degree of uncertainty, but only rarely is a person un-employed for part of the Solar Return year and not sure where the next dollar is coming from. A break from work is more likely to be a leave of absence without pay, but even this situation is uncommon unless you are female and pregnant (maternity leave). With Neptune-Venus aspects in solar return chart , it is more common to experience other reasons for financial uncertainty. You can be self-employed or have an income based on commissions, incentives or profit-sharing; your hours may fluctuate, or you might work on an •bn-cell" basis. Under these conditions, you will be unsure of the amount of your pay until the check arrives. Changing circumstances also affect the amount of mo...