
Showing posts from May 26, 2024

LEO ON 9TH HOUSE CUSP in Solar return year

The Sun also shines its rays on a different area of your annual chart when taking into account rulerships, a system used by astrologers to link planets and signs.  In this case your annual Sun is ruling the ninth house of your chart indicating that you are focussed on cultural matters. This could be something as simple as seeking contact with a priest so that you can have a child baptised, or it could be something more major such as beginning of a course of higher learning, or travelling overseas. You integrate ideas or connect with people from different cultures, or who have travelled to another country.

VENUS IN THE 9TH HOUSE - In Solar Return and Progress Chart

With Venus in the 9th house of Solar return Year, your beliefs about intimate relationships are being tested.  Make an effort to broaden your exposure to beauty, art, and social events.  These will provide the catalyst for opening your mind to new concepts and may even inspire you to broaden your life experience through travel, foreign cultures, or simply taking a risk. Venus in the 9th house show in progress chart ( Secondary progression ),   you begin to question the meaning of life. In particular you may query the relationships, 👉  Learn more .. In Venus in 9th house of Solar return, You must support your intimate partnership with a philosophical concept of what that relationship is about and why it exists.

MOON SEXTILE or TRINE MARS in your Yearly horoscope

When the Moon is sextile or trine Mars in the solar return chart,  You have the option of acting on your emotions in a meaningful and fulfilling way. Emotions both support and encourage appropriate action.  If moon trine Mars show in progress chart ( Secondary progression ) Right now you have the courage to face challenges that have previously seemed too tough. 👉 Learn more   You know what is in your best interest and you easily assert your influence and rights. The possibility of integration and organized action is much higher than with the square or opposition aspect. With the sextile or trine, these two very different agendas are able to function in a coordinated manner.  For this reason, you are more apt to solve problems, create alternatives, and pursue opportunities. You express your feelings clearly through the things you do and the causes you support. Actions are indicated by the solar return house placement of Mars, while the emotions motivating those...


The planet of communications in a fire sign this Solar return year indicates you are open to new ideas and activities.  You enjoy expressing yourself freely and are quick to voice your opinions, but be careful not to be too outspoken or your popularity may wane.  If you judge the mood of your listeners you are likely to inspire a positive response.  You also need to learn not to take on too many projects, prioritise what matters most, or you could become overloaded and tense. If you attempt too much you are doomed to disappoint yourself and associates.  You may start a new intellectual activity, such as public speaking, writing, marketing and public relations, or performing, and may also enjoy learning a new skill, or developing your talents. You can find  accurate interpretation of your chart , Just Search here . 👉 MERCURY IN 1ST HOUSE - SOLAR RETURN  MERCURY IN 2ND HOUSE - SOLAR RETURN MERCURY IN 3...

MOON SEXTILE or TRINE SATURN in Yearly Solar Return

While the Moon in aspect to Uranus in Solar return suggests an inability to suppress emotional information,  The Moon sextile or trine Saturn in Solar Return is more closely associated with emotional control, stability, and careful planning.  This is a time when you are likely to take on extra responsibility willingly.  You are aware that your emotions have meaning in regard to your present circumstances.  Moon square or opposite Saturn in Solar Return chart can indicate emotional frustration and the need for internal control.  You draw on your feelings as they lend purpose and direction to the issues you are facing.  When you call on others, they readily support your efforts and decisions. If you are involved in an important project which you feel must be completed, you will maintain your composure and accomplish the work in a timely manner. You are a hard worker who takes commitments seriously.  This is a good time to develop an organized system f...

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