
Showing posts from June 2, 2024


When the solar return Ascendant is in Gemini,  you have a "jack of all trades" mind that can master any task if you just focus.  Information and communication are your main modes of  interaction. You love to talk and share ideas, but writing and studying can al so be important.      Keep your mind productively engaged. If not, anxiety, nervousness, and indecision can plague you. Your tendency will be to scatter your thoughts and leave projects incomplete.  Its all talk and no action. A lack of depth can be the bane of this Ascendant.  Your birthday chart Ascendant is in Gemini, an intellectual sign --- emphasizing your need to express yourself more freely. You are equally keen to consult other people, and perhaps even to involve them, as well as to seek the information that you need to achieve your own goals.  Whether you have a shy or outgoing nature, this year supports a more extroverted approach. You are more able to step back from your em...

LEO ON 8TH HOUSE CUSP In Solar Return Chart

The Sun also shines its rays on a different area of your annual chart ( Solar return Chart ) when taking into account rulerships, a system used by astrologers to link planets and signs.  In that case The annual Sun is ruling the eighth house  or  LEO ON 8TH HOUSE CUSP In Solar Return Chart indicating that you are focussed on matters to do with shared resources such as shared bank accounts, investments, business dealings, and investments.  You are also likely to notice changes in areas of shared emotional responsibility, such as joint parenting, sexual interchanges, and the manner in which anyone close to you behaves. You are ready to change negative patterns of behaviour. Leo’s strong need for recognition and control can manifest in power dynamics within your personal and financial relationships. It’s important to be mindful of ego conflicts and strive for a balanced approach in shared matters.. ✍(◔◡◔)  SOME NOTE ON HOUSE CUSP; A house cusp is the line that mark...


When the solar return Ascendant is in Leo,  Self-expression in all of its artistic, romantic, procreative, and dramatic forms take center stage. You blossom when creating, whether raising children or orchestrating the life you want to live. "To thine own self be true" is your motto.  You willingly take risks and work to make risks pay off. Avoid losing your temper and don't be too sure of yourself. Heed the warning, "Pride cometh before the fall." Better to renew relationships by being romantic and playful than to stand your ground.  So, Your birthday chart Ascendant this year is in Leo, a showy and creative sign --- you are more likely to be in the limelight this year.  If you are usually more reliant on other people, this year you are champing at the bit to march to the beat of your own drum. You would like to act as you see fit, free of restrictions imposed by  other people's expectations. This could be literally stepping onto a podium, stage or in front ...

TAURUS ASCENDANT in Solar Return Chart

  When the solar return Ascendant is in Taurus,  Stability and harmony are the keys to success. You thrive when you are financially secure, and you will work hard to maintain or achieve this goal.  Affectionate and loving relationships are part of your stability net-work.  Though slow moving, you possess great stamina.  You get into trouble when you start thinking about yourself and not others, or become miserly with your resources. Stubbornness does not benefit you and leads to stalemate conditions. Be practical; stick with what works. 

CHIRON IN THE 4TH HOUSE In Solar return Year

Positively, there is immediacy in your desire for a secure foundation beneath your feet.   You feel you must move somewhere  NOW this Solar return year, or  perhaps that you must work to make your present home more secure, and more a true home, without delay.  You may receive something from a family member which gives you more stability, or makes you more sure you are on good footing.   Negatively, you may discover that you are not be where you want to be but are unable to do anything about it, thus you have no choice but to make where you are feel like home.  Or, you may discover that the foundation you had put trust in is actually full of cracks, or old insecurities may surface about being on unstable ground. MORE ABOUT CHIRON You can find  accurate interpretation of your chart , Just Search here . 👉 CHIRON IN THE 3RD HOUSE in Solar return CHIRON IN THE 3RD HOUSE in Solar return Transi...

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