When the solar return Ascendant is in Gemini, you have a "jack of all trades" mind that can master any task if you just focus. Information and communication are your main modes of interaction. You love to talk and share ideas, but writing and studying can al so be important. Keep your mind productively engaged. If not, anxiety, nervousness, and indecision can plague you. Your tendency will be to scatter your thoughts and leave projects incomplete. Its all talk and no action. A lack of depth can be the bane of this Ascendant. Your birthday chart Ascendant is in Gemini, an intellectual sign --- emphasizing your need to express yourself more freely. You are equally keen to consult other people, and perhaps even to involve them, as well as to seek the information that you need to achieve your own goals. Whether you have a shy or outgoing nature, this year supports a more extroverted approach. You are more able to step back from your em...